Fuck the Sun! It ain't got SHIT on CO2


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Here's one of those Algoreist fable-weavers who exhibits the most obvious commonsense fact, but continues to knit a fabric of complete bullshit to cover our eyes. Its amazing!

Sun Oddly Quiet -- Hints at Next "Little Ice Age"?
Anne Minard for National Geographic News

A prolonged lull in solar activity has astrophysicists glued to their telescopes waiting to see what the sun will do next—and how Earth's climate might respond.

The sun is the least active it's been in decades and the dimmest in a hundred years. The lull is causing some scientists to recall the Little Ice Age, an unusual cold spell in Europe and North America, which lasted from about 1300 to 1850.

The coldest period of the Little Ice Age, between 1645 and 1715, has been linked to a deep dip in solar storms known as the Maunder Minimum.

During that time, access to Greenland was largely cut off by ice, and canals in Holland routinely froze solid.

Strange. A few months ago was the story, Amsterdam hottest since 1605, genuine proof the earth is about to burst into flames. So what the fuck was going on in 1605 that made is so goddamned hot? Too many little dutch boys fingering dykes and exhaling CO2?

Glaciers in the Alps engulfed whole villages, and sea ice increased so much that no open water flowed around Iceland in the year 1695.

But researchers are on guard against their concerns about a new cold snap being misinterpreted.

"[Global warming] skeptics tend to leap forward," said Mike Lockwood, a solar terrestrial physicist at the University of Southampton in the U.K. (Get the facts about global warming.)

Fuck yeah! Soon as I saw this, I said "Take off me shoes an trousers, an leap the FUCK in!"

He and other researchers are therefore engaged in what they call "preemptive denial" of a solar minimum leading to global cooling.

Even if the current solar lull is the beginning of a prolonged quiet, the scientists say, the star's effects on climate will pale in contrast with the influence of human-made greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2).

Of COURSE! Heaven forbid we should think a ball of fire big enough to hold a million earths is somehow affects climate more than dirty garbage incinerators in India!! What does he think we are, FUCKING RETARDED??!

"I think you have to bear in mind that the CO2 is a good 50 to 60 percent higher than normal, whereas the decline in solar output is a few hundredths of one percent down," Lockwood said.

Peharps he should do some comparative physics. One-thousandth of one percent of the solar output is enough energy to evaporate earth and scatter its glowing vapours into the interstellar void. Whereas 60 percent more CO2 may make the streets of Calcutta that much more stuffier.

"I think that helps keep it in perspective."

Oh, it does. Thank you, Michael.

Somehow, deep core drilling in Antarctica's ice sheet has been ignored by these fanatical Algoreists. A year ago, scientists at Russia's south pole station in the "Area of Inaccessibility" drilled into ice strata dating from several ice ages. The chemical composition of these ice core samples suggests (mind you) that increased CO2 emissions followed the warmest periods; that is, increased CO2 is the RESULT of global warming, NOT the cause.

But never mind that. Its getting in the way of good Algoreist science. And a lot of fucking money to be made by eco-lawyers, carbon credit traders, beneficiaries of tax grants for eco-studies and useless, ineffective green technology.

Like the far-fetched plot of some fuckin DUNE-sized sci-fi fantasy novel, LET NOT A STELLAR-SIZE BALL OF FIRE GET IN THE WAY OF MENS' GREED AND WANT!
