Tigron of Immanion
Actually, even fuel cell automobiles would not produce enough water vapor to make an impact on tropospheric temperature. We would probably have more rain though![]()
Send. Them. All. To. Atlanta.

Actually, even fuel cell automobiles would not produce enough water vapor to make an impact on tropospheric temperature. We would probably have more rain though![]()
Doll, you don't seem to have picked up on the humor in irony of my explanation.![]()
Of course removing your catalytic converter is illegal! Without it, your car would be pumping out harmful CO instead of harmless CO2. CO is not good for lungs and hangs low in the air (smog), especially in valleyed areas like Mexico City or Los Angeles. But guess what? CO pollution doesn't harm the planet. It is a local environmental concern (i.e. smog in LA doesn't affect smog in Chicago).
CO2 is billed as a much greater environmental concern, however. If you're worried about huricanes, mass extinction, rising sea levels engulfing coast lines, and the end of human life as we know it, CO2 would seem to be a more serious industrial pollutant than CO. CO affects the lungs of life forms in a finite area; CO2 (supposedly) impacts the health of "the planet."
Yet, if that were true, why is 1/3 of humanity's output of CO2 a result of CO conversion from catalytic converters? That was the point I was trying to get across.
In sum: carbon dioxide is a natural gas, critical to the existence of life on planet earth.
A.) CO2 makes up 0.038% of the earth's atmosphere. That 0.038% stays constant because plant life converts CO2 into O2 (which is also a greenhouse gas by the way). 95% of CO2 emissions are from the oceans, decaying vegitation (its fall now, lots of CO2 is coming from those leaves on the ground), volcanic activity, and carbon based life forms breathing. The remaining 5% is human industry (chiefly power plants and catalytic converters on automobiles converting CO to CO2).
The greenhouse affect is one of numerous factors that affect temperature on planets. CO2 absorbs a few microns of UV bandwith along with O2 (AKA that stuff we breathe), O3, and Methane. 95% of UV bandwith is absorbed by atmospheric water vapor. The portions where CO2 absorbs UV radiation are mostly overlapped by water vapor (by the way, you can't absorb more than 100% of something).
In sum sum: CO2 affects temperature about as much as staring at your food helps you lose weight. Yes, focussing your eyeballs to stare at your food does expend calories. And yes, expending calories will help you lose weight.This is all very true. Industrial pollution causes global warming; staring at your food helps you lose weight.
The Michael
Let's get one thing straight...I am not your "doll"...Secondly, I didn't pick up on your humor because it wasn't funny. And finally, you don't have to write a scientific novel every time you post in this thread. Since when did you become Mr. Wizard? Do you actually do this for a living? Or did you copy and paste that from one of the many liberal news sources out there?
Maybe doll was out of line, but I never implied you were "my" doll. It's a term I use to bond with women... kind of like "dude" or "bro" with guys. I regret that it offended you.
I am completely on your side with this issue and went out of my way to defend you. I'm baffled as to why you'd think I copy/pasted my information from a liberal activist site. Last I checked, all liberal activist sites firmly believe industrial CO2 is the primary driver in Earth's rising temperature. I stated that it is not. Besides, this isn't a liberal/conservative issue. I'm not arguing for or against government regulation of emissions for private industry.
I'm arguing that industrial CO2 does not impact global or local temperature.
And since you don't want me to be your friend, I don't see why I should announce what I do for a living. Read what I wrote. Click on the study regarding UV radiation absorbption and watch the documentary and debate I posted. Then form your own conclusions.
I meant no disrespect or emotional harm to you or anyone posting here.
The friendly neighborhood Michael
Alrighty then...You're completely on my side with this issue? What issue? The only issue that I've been stating was that democrats scare people with these false facts about the environment just to get them on the dems side. Feel free to read my PM to you.
ha, I only made it to this thread by tracking MetalPrincess8's hilarious dig-up of that really old hi-hat thread on the main board, just so she could further stick it to The Michael (who I think she actually agrees with here, which makes it even funnier!)
Anyway, I just wanted to point out that I DID feel guilty about flying out to Portland for a day to attend a concert a couple weeks ago! Concern about being so incredibly wasteful almost held me back from going. So yeah, though I'm not about to buy carbon offsets, I *would* feel guilty about my carbon footprint if I was going to ProgPower. Which I suppose shouldn't be surprising, since I *am* the guy who rode his bicycle there one year.
A lot of the comments in this thread about guzzling gas almost express a level of pride, which is kind of sad. Whether or not global warming is a problem, isn't there some value in doing whatever you can to reduce your use of a finite resource? Even if you don't care a whit about how much of a scar you leave on the Earth in your lifetime, I'd think most people who aren't idiots would at least care about not throwing their money away!
You can chose to disagree with my logic based arguments above for whatever reason.
But let me ask you one question. If you are indeed a true believer that CO2 has a negative impact on climate, do you believe it's ethical for people to be selling offsets on the internet for CO2 emissions?
How is this any different than the Catholic Church in medieval times selling indulgences for sins of individuals made on earth?
Charities are sold as an optional donation that is appreciated; you should not feel guilty if you chose not to donate to a charity.
Why the hostility and complete mischaracterization of my point of view? If the polar ice caps melt, the sea levels will not rise.
or are you switching to the Greenland northern sea ice/ cold front, shut down theory?
The melting of greenland is a separate issue you're bringing up.
I assume you're talking about the theory that when that if the ice melts, the cold water will change the temperature in the northern ocean waters and in turn change gulf streams, which will in turn change climate.
Once people realized that polar ice caps melting will not cause global rises in sea level, the scientific community switched to this complicated theoretical weather model.
If the polar ice caps melt, the sea levels will not rise
Whether there is a real climate change or not, I'm still using this argument to travel to the Arctic next summer, before all the ice melts....which leads to another question. Should one feel guilty about flying to the Arctic to experience its wonder before it goes away? Or should one just sit at home and order an Arctic photography book from