24 Hours Ago...
I find this pretty funny...especially since one of the democratic news stations (i.e. CBS) was the one that put out fake documents about our president just so they could get their "story"...so, how are you supposed to believe anything you read/hear now that you know the media LIES?? And who ever said that I watch Fox News for information in the first place? I agree that we need to address this issue, but keep in mind that the last time that we had record breaking tempertures in our area (i.e. the southeast) was back in the '30s. Just because we have one hot summer doesn't mean the world is coming to an end. The earth goes through natural changes that humans have no control over. Do you think that the Ice Age was caused by global warming as well? That happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. I do agree that we should take care of our planet, but let's not forget that Mother Nature has her own idea of how this planet will evolve. I'm not really taking sides, but sometimes I think that democrats pull stuff out of their asses just so they can try an attempt to have one up on the republicans. That's all I'm saying...
Fox News is the only station I watch and it's beyond me how anyone says that they lie, lean right, etc.

Jesse Jackson said it himself the other night that no other tv news media covered the story abouth the Little Rock 9. What Mr. Jackson apparently didn't know is that Shepherd Smith covered it during his 7 pm to 8 pm Fox News show.
The bottom line is, if you're doing something right, then there will always be nay sayers on the sidelines crying
