leftist scientists dictate boundaries of free speech...


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
This is the usual shit that drives me nuts:

LONDON (AP) -- A group of British climate scientists is demanding changes to a skeptical documentary about global warming, saying there are grave errors in the program billed as a response to Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth.

A loud farting noise is the best response to Algore's bullshit.

"The Great Global Warming Swindle" aired on British television in March and is coming out soon on DVD. It argues that man-made emissions have a marginal impact on the world's climate and warming can better be explained by changing patterns of solar activity.

Its actually true. So, one wonders what the problem is.

An open letter sent Tuesday by 38 scientists, including the former heads of Britain's academy of sciences and Britain's weather office, called on producer Wag TV to remove what it called "major misrepresentations" from the film before the DVD release -- a demand its director said was tantamount to censorship.

Open letters are always written by self-righteous self-loving attention seekers from liberal bolshevik institutions. Nuff said.

Bob Ward, the former spokesman for the Royal Society, Britain's academy of science, and one of the letter's signatories, said director Mark Durkin made a "long catalog of fundamental and profound mistakes" --

Former spokesman, eh? If he doesn't speak anymore, why doesn't he just shut up?

...including the claim that volcanoes produce more carbon dioxide than humans,

Claim? Mt. Pinotubo was no "claim." It was closely studied by strange little men called scientists.

...and that the Earth's atmosphere was warmer during the Middle Ages than it is today.

Duh! These same scientists are the one warning us "The earth hasn't been this warm in centuries! The earth is as hot now as it was in 1604!! oh god!!" So now there's a problem with warm middle ages??!

Ya know, Greenland was named "Greenland" because it used to be fuckin Green! It wasn't because Eric the Red was tryin to dupe a bunch of retarded vikings into vacationing on a goddamned ice floe.

"Free speech does not extend to misleading the public by making factually inaccurate statements," he said. "Somebody has to stand up for the public interest here."

Public interest? The public is interested in Rosie O'Donnell's next ass joke.

Durkin called the letter "loathsome. "This is a contemptible, weasel-worded attempt to gag scientific criticism, and it won't work," he said. "I don't believe they're interested in quality control when it comes to the reporting of science -- so long as it's on their side."

Durkin acknowledged two of the errors highlighted by the scientists -- including the claim about volcanic emissions -- but he described those changes as minor and said they would be corrected in the expanded DVD release.

I'm afraid I stand by the volcanic emissions even if this guy won't. The forces of earth are immensely powerful. Ask one of this leftist lymies why there was no summer in 1806? Because humans stopped polluting the atmosphere with hydrocarbons? NO! Its called a big fucking volcano that impacted the entire globe for a whole decade! Or ask Napoleon why winter 1812 was chillier than usual?

But the scientists do not want the DVD released without edits to completely remove the material they object to -- something Ward said would fatally weaken the film's argument.

That's the point. To crush his critics like flies! ha ha ha ha ha!

"The fact is that it's a very convincing program, and if you're not very aware of the science you wouldn't necessarily see what the errors are," Ward said. "But the errors are huge. ... Without those errors in, he doesn't have a story."

It must be. I haven't even seen it and I'm convinced man-made global warming is verbal diarrhea.

Ward has also complained to Britain's media regulator, which said it was investigating the matter. British broadcast law demands impartiality on matters of major political and industrial controversy -- and penalties can be imposed for misrepresentations of fact.

There are neither political nor industrial matters at stake, so these swine should find another trough to snort in.

The decision to broadcast Durkin's documentary on Channel 4 was an unusual move in a country where the role of man-made carbon emissions in heating the globe is largely taken for granted and politicians regularly spar over which party has the greenest environmental policy.

Splendid. And people wonder why Britannia died?

As for the former vice president, Gore has been hired as an adviser to the British government, which plans to send copies of his film to schools around England.

Why don't they crown him King Algore I of England and be done with it?

The worst thing about global warming is Algore. Period. Its all a personality cult and nothing more.

Of course global warming is a lie, everyone with common sense knows that. It's a massive global socialist conspiracy by scientists to undermine American business. We all know that by now. It makes perfect sense. Global warming, after all, is a communist idea that was invented by Karl Marx.

Personally, I get my global warming data from the true experts: Rush Limbaugh (even though he didn't go to college), Pat Robertson (God speaks directly to him), and Exxon, whose lobbies offered scientists $10,000 to dispute global warming.

These are the people who know what they're truly talking about, not Al "I went to Harvard and you didn't" Gore and the thousands of qualified scientists all over the globe who agree that global warming is partially caused by humans.

We know the truth. It may not be an accurate or scientifically-proven truth, but it's the truth. We can feel it.
Of course global warming is a lie, everyone with common sense knows that. It's a massive global socialist conspiracy by scientists to undermine American business. We all know that by now. It makes perfect sense. Global warming, after all, is a communist idea that was invented by Karl Marx.

Personally, I get my global warming data from the true experts: Rush Limbaugh (even though he didn't go to college), Pat Robertson (God speaks directly to him), and Exxon, whose lobbies offered scientists $10,000 to dispute global warming.

These are the people who know what they're truly talking about, not Al "I went to Harvard and you didn't" Gore and the thousands of qualified scientists all over the globe who agree that global warming is partially caused by humans.

We know the truth. It may not be an accurate or scientifically-proven truth, but it's the truth. We can feel it.

Are these the same scientists who made accusations that there was Global Cooling in the late 70's?
BTW, Bush went to Harvard too. Had a better GPA than Gore did.
Lastly, 18,000 years ago, most of the United States was covered in ice. Was it Al Gore's jet using tens of thousands of gallons of fuel that caused those ice plates to recede? I don't know about you but, my local museum doesn't include any depictions of a Triceratops behind the wheel of an Escalade.

It is said by the "experts" that CO2 causes "global warming". If you really believe in your cause. You will help it by ending your life.