"Dick-hard leftist Academian predict racial mass extinction"


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Here's more academic nonsense from the HARD left. But its old, its been used since the 1970s, its thoroughly pathetic, and for some reason, it makes the news. Probably because some students are finally realising their $30,000 a year for this shit will give them absolutely nothing of academic value.

Published April 2, 2006
AUSTIN —*A University of Texas professor says the Earth would be better off with 90 percent of the human population dead.

“Every one of you who gets to survive has to bury nine,” Eric Pianka cautioned students and guests at St. Edward’s University on Friday.

Admittedly, the prof's speech starts out good.

Pianka’s words are part of what he calls his “doomsday talk” — a 45-minute presentation outlining humanity’s ecological misdeeds and Pianka’s predictions about how nature, or perhaps humans themselves, will exterminate all but a fraction of civilization.

Where's Mad Max in all of this?

Though his statements are admittedly bold, he’s not without abundant advocates.

Its not bold, those wastrel hippies from the 70s were saying this shit when this prof was an unwashed class-skipper.

But what may set this revered biologist apart from other doomsday soothsayers is this: Humanity’s collapse is a notion he embraces. Indeed, his words deal, very literally, on a life-and-death scale, yet he smiles and jokes candidly throughout the lecture.

Yes, Himmler enjoyed the notion of massive numbers of people being wiped out for the good of the superior race, too. Glad to see that Nazi-charged Darwinism is still popular among the academics. I presume measuring craniums is next.

Disseminating a message many would call morbid, Pianka’s warnings are centered upon awareness rather than fear.

Awareness! Are they awareness-raisers aware of just how stupid they always end up looking and sounding?

“This is really an exciting time,” he said Friday amid warnings of apocalypse, destruction and disease. Only minutes earlier he declared, “Death. This is what awaits us all. Death.”

No! Surely not? I thought death for all of us is an outdated concept. I thought we faced immortality in an ice-cream shop as our destiny?

Reflecting on the so-called Ancient Chinese Curse, “May you live in interesting times,” he wore, surprisingly, a smile. So what’s at the heart of Pianka’s claim?

Probabyl plagiarism!

6.5 billion humans is too many.

Well, its better than the unrealistic perpetual growth claims of the leftists in the early 1970s. They had us at 50 billion and growing by the 2020s.

In his estimation, “We’ve grown fat, apathetic and miserable,” all the while leaving the planet parched.

When he says "We" who the fuck is he talking about? Maybe the "fat, apathetic, and miserable" refers to us.

But All the growth is among skinny, thin, miserable folk in Africa and Asia.

The solution? A 90 percent reduction.

He must mean in Africa and Asia, where all the growth is occurring.

C'mon MR. BOLD, say it!

Say we need to let AIDS and starvation whittle away at the coloured races, leaving the fat, apathetic, miserable whities alive and kicking.

That’s 5.8 billion lives — lives he says are turning the planet into “fat, human biomass.”

Mmm, Biomass. Sounds yummy. He, of course, knows that's One china, one India, and a fine collection of Mid Eastern and African countries that are actually the mass most likely to spawn and spread a majour epidemic.

He points to an 85 percent swell in the population during the last 25 years and insists civilization is on the brink of its downfall — likely at the hand of widespread disease.

Which civilisation? We do NOT share the civilisations of the Mid east, Africa, or Asia.

Clearly this professor is an unrepentant racist who wants darkest Africa bleached white with the cleaned bones of billions of dead.

That's the Academic lesson I learned from his presentation. And I didn't even have to pay $30,000 a year to get it!

The virulent racist bigoted homophobic antisemite Professor Pianka now says he "doesn't really want billions of people to die," in an apparent about-face after his retarded statements were made public.

He said he's clarifying his position.

I say he's a Testicle-free Zone.

Other professors and students say he was gleeful whenever he talked about mass-death, laughing and joking about massive deaths through epidemics.

Seems to me like this fucker's watched 12 MONKEYS too many times.

Seems the same thing to the FBI, which is now investigating this guy, in case he might try to bring about the very situation he's gleefully adovcating.

Just like the lab guy in 12 MONKEYS.

And this is what students pay money to hear! Bullshit like this.

Hey, I remember going to class and a certain Professor Wright (who was mostly wrong and a light-skinned brotha) ordering us to shut off our taping devices during his lectures, and threatening anyone who might be working for an investigatory committee which made complaints about him.

Well, I soon found out why, as he spent most of the time complaining about racism in America instead of teaching Russian history of the 19th century. I "Learned" more about Hitler's infatuation with Abraham Lincoln and his slave policies than I did about Tolstoy, Bakunin, and the Dekabrists.


Arg_Hamster said:
Haha, what a wuss! He´s lecturing and then he takes it back?

He stole my "6 billion cagemonkeys"-idea!
Yeah! I'm not surprised he stole it. Academians are a bunch of plagiarizing, thieving, pirating swine anyway.

Here's a bit from the Statesman article that reports Pianka's FBI interview.

Pianka says the whole thing has blown out of proportion. Many, however, seem to be taking his critics seriously. Pianka said he is scheduled to meet with FBI officials today.

"Someone has reported me as a terrorist," he said. "They think I'm forming a cadre of people to release the airborne Ebola virus into the air. That I'm the leader and my students are the followers."

Fuckin A, man! Is this or is this not the real ARMY OF THE 12 MONKEYS?

This wild-haired bearded wacko must be a mix of the crazy guy played by Brad Pitt and the pny-tailed hippy fucker who releases the deadly virus.
