George W Bush can suck a dick........

Apr 3, 2004
why dont we all go back to bashing each other over politics.

By the way, before anyone gets their shit all in a knot, Im making fun of the whole Anthrax sucks...No Billy you suck, and Im gonna kick your ass loser bullshit that has gone on here for the last few days.

No one is going to kick anyones ass ever. What are we in Jr. High School.

No one on this board knows what is going on with Billy, Scott and Chaarlie, except for Billy, Scott and Charlie, so quit pretending you do, because you dont. All we are getting is Billys side, and that is only a small part of the big picture. If someone on here is bashing Billy, let Billy respond, or ban him (which by the way is so bullshit becase censorship is for the Nazis and the Taliban), again we are not in Jr. High School.

LETS GET BACK TO TALKING ABOUTR MUISC. The Anthrax, Billy fued is lame, and has nothing to do with anyone on this board.

Crypt said it best when he compaired this arguing (Billy vs Anthrax) with the Pantera arguing. And look what happened there, last thing anyone wants is another Dec 8
you see cookiemonster isnt bashing each other over who makes a better president more fun that the stupid Billy vs Anthrax war. Im so happy that you replied to my post.
Right on muff. I'll admit, I acted like a dick with the politics shit back when that was going on, but hey, I was election season! Let's talk about what matters... MUSIC! I'll start. Wrest from Leviathan is a genius. He writes all the songs, does all the vocals, and plays all the instuments on his albums, and he isn't lacking in any area.

Hail Wrest!
Well it´s Billy always talking about kicking Charlie´s ass. He´s been talking about it for 3 years as far as I´m concerned. But it´s only TALK TALK TALK. No deeds.
why the fuck would Charlie sue him, you cant get blood from a stone, and you cant get money from someone who has none.

Billy isnt kicking anyones ass, its all part of the act...remember folks its called show business, the keyword being show. Plus Billys getting old, and everyone knows old guys cant fight for shit (no matter how much they bench. In the end the younger guy always will beat an old man any day of the week, just ask Glenn Danzig.

coolsnow7 said:
I think he realizes Charlie might sue him (A LA METALLICA, though I'm an Anthrax fan).