Blaming George Bush for Hurricane Katrina is...


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
As dumb and Ignorant as one can be. I feel ashamed of what Charlie BEnante said on his website/ All I have to say, The guys in ANTHRAX all of a sudden are activists???? Come on! I am going to address this in more detail on the website next week. Charlie Benante is obviously wrong again. It's obvious that Bush Bashing is back in fashion again-Unlike Anthrax
Fuck you Charlie
Thank You. I want a Jewcifer T- Shirt! Scott said Sgt D killed SOD on web chat GIGANTOUR the other day. People still want SOD! They kept asking for new sod material and a tour. One guy even called him Jewcifer!!!!!
I brewed over Charlies post for awhile, but I've heard so much ridiculous shit since then I forgot about it. MOD planning a new tour??
George Bush must be working with Dr. Evil to take over the world with a giant weather machine...unless we pay million dollars!

Quite an expensive plan just to kill some impoverished blacks!

I hope Austin Powers is available...Yeah, baby!

Well, drummers are known to be geniuses.
Buzzard said:
As dumb and Ignorant as one can be. I feel ashamed of what Charlie BEnante said on his website/ All I have to say, The guys in ANTHRAX all of a sudden are activists???? Come on! I am going to address this in more detail on the website next week. Charlie Benante is obviously wrong again. It's obvious that Bush Bashing is back in fashion again-Unlike Anthrax
Fuck you Charlie

I totally agree. I dislike Bush as must as the next guy but Jesus tapdancing christ, I'm really getting tired of pot head hippies blaming everything on him. Go back to woodstock you hippies!!!!
Tabris said:
I totally agree. I dislike Bush as must as the next guy but Jesus tapdancing christ, I'm really getting tired of pot head hippies blaming everything on him. Go back to woodstock you hippies!!!!

Woodstock dont want them... thats a fact.
listen will all be over soon.just have your fun and listen to that metal music and leave the politics to the rich old dudes that really run your lives.soon i will come down from the planet goon and turn you all into goonies.
Oblivious Maximus said:
Charlie is just preeching to the choir.
More like the sheep that take what celebritys say to be the absolute truth,not realizing that most celebritys are idiots that couldnt make it through school to accually make something of themselves. If the majority of these actors or musicians lost the ability to make money performing and lost all the money they made performing, what would they be doing? Flipping burgers?

Billy, what kind of skills would Charlie have if he was no longer able to perform by playing the drums?
The13thCandle said:
that pic rules! I knew there was food down there, they are just to lazy to catch it. hell Id fry that fish up with some garlic, couple lemon slices.

look at the looters :):Spin:
So its ok for Billy Milano to talk about all the politics he knows sooooo much about, yet when someone else does he whines about it. . I cant wait to hear how the federal govt did such a great job handeling the worst national disaster to hit this country.

Back your article with actual facts Milano, because your just as bad as anyone you complain about.

PS: 20 years of dysfunction ruled, great job on putting it together. Only complaint NOT LONG ENOUGH.
I_am_138 said:
So its ok for Billy Milano to talk about all the politics he knows sooooo much about, yet when someone else does he whines about it. . I cant wait to hear how the federal govt did such a great job handeling the worst national disaster to hit this country.

I at least offer a subjective opinion unlike 99.9% of people in the entertainmet bizz.

Back your article with actual facts Milano, because your just as bad as anyone you complain about.
I always do.

PS: 20 years of dysfunction ruled, great job on putting it together. Only complaint NOT LONG ENOUGH.
How is 3 1/2 hours not long enough???
How is 3 1/2 hours not long enough???

Because the DVD is so fucken good it did not feel like 3.5 hours when watching it. :headbang: :headbang:

I at least offer a subjective opinion unlike 99.9% of people in the entertainmet bizz.

really, because I cant stand people that give me their subjective opinion. I like when people use objective opinions, void of emotion and personal prejudice. I also cant stand it when someone thinks that their opinion is correct and resorts to childlike name calling when another equally correct opinion is expressed.

Back your article with actual facts Milano, because your just as bad as anyone you complain about.
I always do.

Well sometimes you use emotions and not facts. I am really looking forward to hear how you think that the Federal Govt did an outstanding job in the days after Hurrican Katrina. It will be a good read.
Where did I say that?

As far as emotions are concerned you have to factor them in. It's human nature. What are you a machine?? TEll Arnuld I said hello..

Glad you liked the DVD - I am working a new DVD for SOD for free to be downloaded. Kind of a bonus for people who have the one I did.
Strong opinions and emotions always seem to skew's only natural as Billy says.

Yeah, Billy...the DVD is great and a lot of fun...I especially enjoy watching you eat mussels while being serenaded by a jackhammer.

Talk to you soon.