Vote Bill Maher for God


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Let's vote for Bill Maher to be God. The last God we had was too much've a conservative extremist. Maher's the skills to be all knowing, all loving, all-thinking, and he thinks he's got the voice of God, "so let it be written, so let it be done!"

After the photo display, (montages of George W. and Laura in unflattering positions) Maher was challenged by guest panelist Christopher Hitchens, who told him: "It must be to (George Bush's) credit he got Laura Bush to marry him. She's an absolutely extraordinary woman."

To that, Maher replied: "Oh, come on. That's like Hitler's dog loved him. That is the silliest reason ..."

I'm sure Hitchens was trying to defend George W., but to try that is like putting up "Just Say No" posters in a crack house.

"I think tomorrow you might be sorry you said that. Laura Bush is very gentle and talented," Hitchens warned.

I highly doubt he'll be sorry. Maher has got to pander to his audience and, more importantly, to his Hollywood and Soho bigwig friends.

With that Maher retreated a bit, insisting: "That's not what I'm saying, of course she is. But the idea that we somehow humanize any person because somebody else loves them is ridiculous."

Oh, I see. We cannot humanize George W. He is some abstract alien virus. Oh, how I love seeing these libs implode!

The outrageous exchange wasn't the worst to come from Maher's show lately. The week before, "Real Time" guest George Carlin announced that he had a pet name for former first lady Barbara Bush. The Silver Douche Bag, I call her," Carlin announced as Maher's audience erupted in laughter.

That's perfectly fitting coming from a man who looks and sounds like a homeless wino.


Once again, I was gonna get frenzied and lose control, but I realised that these hippies are so out of touch, so maniacal and bizarre, that absolutely nobody (except people in the Northeast) can relate to them.

The insult the average American with every diseased comment, nauseous lambast, perverted insult they make.

Keep it up!! Keep it up!! Keep it up!! :D

Every time I hear one of these fuckin leftist at work come back from a trip anywhere west or south of New York City, they report with unsmiling faces, "Gee, people out there are Bush fans, Bush supporters. I don't get it."

