Who Are You Voting For The Presidency?


Neuroses Facilitator
Seems like this forum has a lot of people from all sides, so I was wondering (based on Billy's Farenheit 9/11 thread) who you all are going to vote for.

At my age, it seems a little odd, but this year was the first I'd paid attention to the primaries (this years democratic widdling-down), and I honestly found it very interesting.

There were a lot of weirdos in the party, so it was every bit informative as well as entertaining, seeing each of them take pot-shots at eachother. Myself, I would consider an Independant (swing-voter), so the one candidate who I thought would be decent was Sen. John Edwards, but he came in second to John Kerry. So now, I really am not sure who I will vote for.

I didn't vote in the last election, but I really want to do something productive this time, so let me know what you guys are up to.
Nader.....Just kidding,that guy is a piece of shit.
I know that I am the minority democrat on this site and this might upset people but it is MY vote so piss off :dopey: