Who the fuck are you people?

Are you kidding me? Evil Dead and Arg are two of the people I had in mind when I started this thread. You can't let us down like that.
Well i am not this guy thats for sure !!!

I'm not posting a photo of myself anywhere on the internet.

Far too dangerous to my personal safety.

I know a few of you freaks are amateur sorcerers, and you'll probably try to use my picture to cast a spell on my manhood! :goggly:


Well you're supposed to post a picture of your face, not your manhood.:lol:

I was thinking of marketing Jurched voodoo dolls...foiled again.
I'm not posting a photo of myself anywhere on the internet.

Far too dangerous to my personal safety.

I know a few of you freaks are amateur sorcerers, and you'll probably try to use my picture to cast a spell on my manhood! :goggly:

Im in your boat. I know they sell mortar and pestle and Bed Bath and Beyond so that still means there must be practicing magicians and alchemists and hippies who are my arch enemies.
For any NFL fans, that is carson palmer of the Bengals in my pic. Ok first he hosts a game classic called "cornhole" then he does that photo shoot.

as a rival fan in the same division you know what im thinking...
Here is me during Air Force/USMC haloween in 2001, Taliban/AlQaeda style. Up in western Pakistan. Im the guy on the far right (with the gun) not acting like a total retard.

We were helping the marines get candy since only the Air Force had snacks and sodas. We have a guy dressed up as an MRE, Bin Laden, a Glow Stick Christmas Tree, and some muslim in a bedsheet. Oh yeah, me pretending to be some important special forces guy with an out of reg hair cut. To the left of the green truck (on the left) was the greatest prize in all of Pakistan. An entire fridge filled with AMERICAN Mountain Dew, MMMMMM MMM!
Oh, in that case! Behold! The real me!


Nobody would EVER put a curse on my manhood! Otherwizzze, they would be SEVERELY punished by my awesome chest alone!


ME and you are fucking badasses! Me, SpecialOpJon.you Kahn, its like a tag team duo of badassness.