Active Users 18 (1 Member, 17 Guests) Who the fuck are these people?

12 pack a day is not a problem?! Jebus christ, maybe I have been exaggerating my alcoholism for years (for comedic effect).

EDIT: Oh yeah, the guests are gone, and so are my pants. COINCIDENCE?!
Guess it depends on what time of day he's getting sloshed and all that. I could probably drink a 12 pack a night and get pretty buzzed. But I wouldn't, because it would end up giving me the physique of a character from The Far Side.
I once lived with a dude who drank a 12er per night, every night. I was 22 at the time, and drinking a shitload myself. But nowhere near that extent.

He was cool when sober or not hungover. So he had like a 4 hour window where you could be around him without wanting him to dissolve.
It's the same fucks who subscribe to underground porn forums and never upload a video.

ya know, i think we really need to thank the serious porn addict/collector pervert types for subsidizing the whole naughty film industry for the rest of us. i am 30 years old, ive had the internet since i was about 13, and i have never once handed over actual sheckles for this dirty content. i am frankly baffled at how it is a $10+ billion, with a B, industry when there is more free porn than anyone with a job/life could ever possibly watch. thank you creepy dudes in basements molesting real-dolls!
I've purchased a few pornos in my life. Mostly best of's of my favorite late 90's porn starlets.

Cassidey Rae- Cassidey in the Assidey
Lexus Locklear- Sexus with Lexus
Tia Bella- Ciao Bella
Taylor St. Claire - Best Of
Devon - Forget title, fn hussie
Sky Lopez- Best of

I also used to go to the local Korean liquor store and pick up those 4 hour long Vivid VHS tapes for $10. Some fine ass babes on some of these (heavily comprised of the women mentioned above). It wasn't too awkward purchasing them either, I mean the fucks were Korean, it's not like they're real people or anything. But yea, all in all, I probably have spent no more than $200 over a 14 yr old long pr0n streak. Faptacular!
haha hey thats a good dollars/years ratio. im definitely not saying everyone who buys some dvds are some hardcore perv, im sure most folks have bought at least a few of them, especially if the wife or gf is into em, but with so much available at no cost with the most basic of web searching sometimes i wonder how it makes so many $Billions....but then you have to remember middle aged people who arent as internet savvy or want to watch it on the tv, people in hotel rooms with nothing to do and kids who's parents didnt block it renting hella dirty movies, and on and on etc. so really when i think about it i guess its not so surprising haha
I haven't purchased a pr0n in about 8-9 years, ever since I got accepted in to an uber kvlt file sharing forum. Get all cable shows, UFC PPVs, and pr0n from there. is a good free forum for fap material btw. All links are fresh, pretty well updated. Goat damn skanks!