Active Users 18 (1 Member, 17 Guests) Who the fuck are these people?

God damn bro it's hot. I feel like I'm on a plantation near the Mississippi.

OT: Ever wonder who the hell these people are?!? Complete and total strangers who know of my negarphobia, your plight towards sexual healing, and that some shmuck by the name of Josh, can't afford to pay his monthly water & power bill.
Ate some pizza while drinking some beer.

Gonna run down to the store and grab some snacks. Like gummy bears and shit.

Drunken candy purchases kick ASS.
Had a Chicken Ciabatta from Jack in the Box, watched Episode 2 of Rescue Me, scratched my left butt cheek, sighed. Currently contemplating grabbing something to drink, or watching episode 3.

Stay Tuned.
Grab something to drink, and then sit down, and watch episode 3.

Thats what I'd do atleast.

Think I'll have to grab Rescue Me sometime soon... all this talk lately is telling em to watch it so I can be in the circle of cool kids. Kinda like when injecting heroine into your cock was what the cool kids did.

Thats why I take all personal shit away from boards for the most part... leaving just the ridiculous stuff.

Don't wanna be browsing a board in 4 years and find my heart spilled out to some data, haha.
jesus christ the amount of absurd personal shit i posted on the neverboard like four years ago is really depressing right now.

so ciabatta is really good.

Yeah... I'll PROBABLY ask Deron to delete my account and all my posts someday... but I doubt he'd actually comply.

I've recently gone on a website-deletion spree, getting rid of all my useless sites that I've had in the past in an effort to purify the internet of my retardation.
Deron won't delete your account. I asked him to delete mine and he said it would leave a "hole" in the forum. He told me to just go through and delete my own "offensive" posts. So, I said the hell with it and resumed posting.
haha man the number of people that talk about (or in erik's case, actually follow through on) leaving RC is absurd. is it really that hard to control how much time you spend here? seriously, i'm pretty surprised so many of you seem to have such problems controlling your internet use. is it really that absorbing that it's a problem in your life? i guess i know the answer to that already...

just post less if you must, bloody hell! don't deprive us of at least the occasional hilariously misanthropic rant, jerry! who would guess this forum of all places would become a poster child for internet addiction...

it's too bad NAD isn't around anymore, but at least he knew how to stop posting without making a scene about it :p