The Official Moderator Voting Poll!!!!! Vote Now!

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profanity may never leave his keyboard, but he's a moron. granted, one doesn't need to be bright to moderate an internet BB, but if given the option, i'll always go for the non-moron.
GoD or Demiurge, both would yield good results.

Note: I never thought I'd see the day when Demiurge (or GoD, for that matter) could have the chance to mod this forum. Brings a tear to the eye. Now if only we could get Planetary Eulogy in on this...where is he?
I would vote for either Profanity or Anonymousnick but since both are stepping down then I'll keep my vote to either GoD or Crimsonfloyd if either one can be unbiased, fair and impartial. <shrugs>
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