Question for the forum...


Excellent Buchanan post. While the punditry, media and candidates alike obsess and quibble about the same old emotional clap-trap of race(not real discussion of course - just the usual flim-flam), healthcare, jobs, terror, immigration(we all know NO top-tier candidate on either side is going to actually DO anything meaningful about it) and all this extraneous distraction, the issues that could well bring this country to its knees are virtually ignored across the board! Ron Paul is far from perfect-but his ideas are a whole lot more closely aligned with anything called Conservatism pre-Bush the elder. There are a whole lot of characters, er...candidates out there talking a good game, but are convincing very few who know what the political Right used to be about.
The last two elections I voted for Nader. The upcoming election I am voting Republican no matter what! I hate Hilary and Obama, and one of em will be the Democratic candidate.....Lets face it, there are only two parties in the race for presidency. Republican and Democratic. That sucks!!!! I wish there were like 10 different parties running...But the fact is the choice is only Republican or Democrat. That is too bad. We need more parties involved. Libertarians, Green party...whatever, just as long as there are more choices, because two is not enough.
I wish there were like 10 different parties running...But the fact is the choice is only Republican or Democrat. That is too bad. We need more parties involved. Libertarians, Green party...whatever, just as long as there are more choices, because two is not enough.

You want parliamentary democracy like in Europe, where small, issue-oriented parties form coalitions to bring their platforms into action.

Shit, we already have socialism, so why not parliament as well? Our two-party system is devolving into single-party communism the more we socialise government anyway.

Listen. When my wife was a young soviet citizen being educated in the days of Brezhnev, a teacher explained American politics to the class in this fashion:

The system of the United States consists of two parties that claim different policies for the country. In reality, the parties are so broad and all-encompassing that, once in Congress, their policies cannot be distinguished from one another.

Its sad communist propaganda, but unfortunately, its also true!

The parties are too broad and expansive to allow for differences on ANYTHING except the sort of cultural and moral platitudes that aren't supposed to be touched by government ANYWAY!

Oh well... Cheers to Brezhnev! May they dig him up and mummify him like Lenin. I'd pay a buck to see him on Red square!

The last two elections I voted for Nader. The upcoming election I am voting Republican no matter what! I hate Hilary and Obama, and one of em will be the Democratic candidate.....Lets face it, there are only two parties in the race for presidency. Republican and Democratic. That sucks!!!! I wish there were like 10 different parties running...But the fact is the choice is only Republican or Democrat. That is too bad. We need more parties involved. Libertarians, Green party...whatever, just as long as there are more choices, because two is not enough.

See, I am from the Czech Republic, Central Europe, and I would like to have the exact opposite... two strong political parties, "right" and "left". Great Britain would make of a good example. Because what we have now is exactly what you're talking about, bunch of small parties who are the big ones forced to make coallitions with.
And I'm telling you... it sucks cock! Now it can happen that the so-called conservatives are in charge, but in coallition with so called Green and so-called christian democrats. So they don't enforce a shit. The big party uses its small coallition partners as excuses for everything, and the small parties in coallition only blackmail the big one and everything is a total mess.
I wish we had republicans vs democrats, conservatives vs labourists thing here.
I am confused, no way in hell I will vote for the 3 headed race to jack up my taxes that they call the Democratic Party. I respect all the Repub candidates in some way, but I am still not sure who I want. But I am leaning towards Mccain for one reason, he was overheard in public years ago telling a joke, "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? "Because her father is Janet Reno". That right there might be the clincher for me!
The hard left and hard right is far from ideal. People cling on to principals past the point of logic.

Take our oil situation. In an ideal world we would do more domestic drilling as well as decreasing our demand. It may not be popular thought but this country's love affair with the giant bad mommy SUV is fucking up our economy. I'm not saying we all need to buy hybrids but for Christ sake, let's exercise some common sense. Lower the cost of oil and thus lower the cost of freight. Lower freight = lower cost of goods. I read somewhere that in European countries big ass trucks are taxed higher. Makes sense to me.

The same goes to guns. I'm a big supporter of our 2nd amendment right, but for fuck sake if you can't admit a gun is a weapon you have yet to reach the maturity for owning a fire arm. It's fucked up that our country keeps better track of cars than it does weapons. By all means Johnny law abiding citizen should be able to own a gun, but he should be expected to do so responsibly. I'm not sure why we don't just evolve to some system of people having to renew registration for a gun. If you don't renew, you either surrender the weapon or a warrant is issued. If it's been stolen you have to report it. If you have x amount of guns stolen in x amount of time you can no longer buy them because you are douche bag that can't be trusted to lock up your weapons. I have two guns. I would pay to keep them registered. Why do we give people more training on a car than a weapon?

As long as I'm ranting our way of war is retarded. I’m a believer that war should really be the absolute last option. That said when you hit that point you go to war and expect to kill innocent people in the process. Every day one of our troops has to stand out there on the front and try to fight this "humane battle" is an insult. You put his life on the line, let him do his job.

While I'm talking about our troops, don't ask and don't tell is the dumbest thing ever. How the hell can a man be asked to defend freedom when he isn't allowed to say he likes the cock? If he likes the cock so be it. Let him like the cock, he has a machine gun and hasn't slept in months, who the fuck am I to say he's wrong while sitting in the comforts of suburbia.

On the gay note, let the fags get married. Marriage stopped being about the religious platform when divorce laws were put on the books. It's not like hetero sexuals have done a great job of preserving that institution. Separation of church and state. They should be allowed to go to whatever courthouse and suffer like the rest of us; churches should be allowed to deny that service.

I’m not sure what to make of health care in this country. I know something needs to change. Too many people can’t pay, so the price keeps going up. Why is it that my medical insurance costs the same at work as the fat ass in the office next to me? Shit, my car insurance is cheaper than the drunk driver next door, so why must my health insurance cost next to this diabetic mess and her tray of muffins? Suck on that cigarette, get your money’s worth. In the meantime I keep fit and eat right, who’s the sucker? I know medical treatment bankrupts a ton of people. Let’s all realize it’s a problem.

Fuck it, flame away at me.
You've got a handy list of legitimate beefs, son. But apart from the warfare complaint, none of the rest really matter at all. They're just coffee talk (or for bitchin on forums).

Anyway, the SUV's popularity took off in 2000, when oil was $10 a barrel and gas was 99 cents a gallon. It was economical to have a behemoth gulping down a gallon a mile.

But things change. So why are you complaining about it? Let the market decide. Already, eco-shitoxes will be back in fashion. If GM and Ford are too slow to react and retool, well, that's their damn fault!

The hard left and hard right is far from ideal. People cling on to principals past the point of logic.

The same goes to guns. I'm a big supporter of our 2nd amendment right, but for fuck sake if you can't admit a gun is a weapon you have yet to reach the maturity for owning a fire arm. It's fucked up that our country keeps better track of cars than it does weapons. By all means Johnny law abiding citizen should be able to own a gun, but he should be expected to do so responsibly. I'm not sure why we don't just evolve to some system of people having to renew registration for a gun. If you don't renew, you either surrender the weapon or a warrant is issued. If it's been stolen you have to report it. If you have x amount of guns stolen in x amount of time you can no longer buy them because you are douche bag that can't be trusted to lock up your weapons. I have two guns. I would pay to keep them registered. Why do we give people more training on a car than a weapon?

Fuck it, flame away at me.

Whether I agree with you or not. I have to admit that I like the way you write. Whether or not guns are a weapon is purely based on intent and purpose. My Ithaca Deerslayer is a tool. My Remington 870 with the pistol grip, 18" barrel and flashlight attached to it. is a weapon. When my 123lb German Sheppard is running around the yard with the kids. He is a pet. When some crackhead decides to break into my home when I am not there to give commands. Samson is a weapon. Splitting hairs? Semantics? Maybe?

Renewable registration is a terrible idea. Simply put, the only thing the state gov't would have to do is one day decide that they weren't renewing gun registrations anymore. It would make it too easy to take away our guns. In NY, I have to go to my county clerks office and put each concealable weapon I own on my pistol permit. If I sell one, I have to go back down to the county clerk and take it off. Are people any safer now that NY knows about every single pistol I own? Does ballistic fingerprinting make anyone any safer? Do any of the gun laws created make anyone any safer? No, no and no. If I am going to perform an illegal act with a gun. I sure as hell ain't going to use any of my registered pieces. Almost 90% of gun related crime is committed with illegal handguns. Of the 10-15% of crime that is committed with registered weapons. One third of it is crime committed while possessing, not using a firearm. For example, in some states, if you get into a fistfight and have your pistol on you. You can be charged with anything from brandishing to assault with a deadly weapon. Whether you pulled the piece or not.
"Assault Weapons" by definition are automatic weapons. Politicians have labeled anything that 'looks' military and is semi-automatic as an assualt weapon. I have a mini-14 and an AR-15. The AR-15 is considered by the ignorant to be an assualt rifle. Why? Because of its looks alone. The Mini-14 and the AR-15 both take the same load (.223). Ironically, my Mini-14 has a larger magazine capacity. But, according to lawmakers, the AR-15 is the assualt rifle.
High-Capacity magazine bans are a joke. In Colorado, high-cap mags are illegal. Those beat-offs went into Columbine High School with the legal 10rd mags. How many lives were saved by that law?
The Virginia Tech shootings happened in a "gun-free zone". It is illegal for anyone outside of law enforcement to possess a firearm in a gun free zone. How many lives were saved by that ridiculous law?
California passed a bill that makes any long gun that takes a magazine illegal. A friend of mine in Hemmet California had the State Police come to his door and ask for his .22 rifle. Why? Because in California you have to register all weapons. Why do they have you register them? So they know where to find you when they change the laws and take your guns.

The problem is we have a bunch of reactionary politicians. who don't know guns. that are making the laws. A child dies, a high school gets shot up and all of the sudden registering guns or taking them out of the hands of law abiding people is the answer. It isn't. I would rather have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it.
The same goes to guns. I'm a big supporter of our 2nd amendment right, but for fuck sake if you can't admit a gun is a weapon you have yet to reach the maturity for owning a fire arm. It's fucked up that our country keeps better track of cars than it does weapons. By all means Johnny law abiding citizen should be able to own a gun, but he should be expected to do so responsibly. I'm not sure why we don't just evolve to some system of people having to renew registration for a gun. If you don't renew, you either surrender the weapon or a warrant is issued. If it's been stolen you have to report it. If you have x amount of guns stolen in x amount of time you can no longer buy them because you are douche bag that can't be trusted to lock up your weapons. I have two guns. I would pay to keep them registered. Why do we give people more training on a car than a weapon?

I don't think you are as big a "supporter of our 2nd amendment" as you say, as what follows that opening statement betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the real purpose that amendment serves. Compulsory and universal gun registration puts ALL the power and regulation right in the hands of the government. Thus is must necessarily place all the power to track and TAKE your guns for whatever reason "they" see fit etc., in the hands of the same Federal "Authority." This stands the purpose of the 2nd amendment on its head - as do most firearm laws already.

The so-called "gun-violence" problems this country faces are not due to a lack of gun registration or abundance of guns...but an abundance of other "things."
Q, per your usual you make your point very clear and with plenty of intelligence!! I was going to chime in on this since those who know me realize the 2nd Amendment means the world to me.... But you made my point probably better than I could've of so let me just put the classic +1 in here..
And say as always nicely put!!:rock::kickass:

Whether I agree with you or not. I have to admit that I like the way you write. Whether or not guns are a weapon is purely based on intent and purpose. My Ithaca Deerslayer is a tool. My Remington 870 with the pistol grip, 18" barrel and flashlight attached to it. is a weapon. When my 123lb German Sheppard is running around the yard with the kids. He is a pet. When some crackhead decides to break into my home when I am not there to give commands. Samson is a weapon. Splitting hairs? Semantics? Maybe?

Renewable registration is a terrible idea. Simply put, the only thing the state gov't would have to do is one day decide that they weren't renewing gun registrations anymore. It would make it too easy to take away our guns. In NY, I have to go to my county clerks office and put each concealable weapon I own on my pistol permit. If I sell one, I have to go back down to the county clerk and take it off. Are people any safer now that NY knows about every single pistol I own? Does ballistic fingerprinting make anyone any safer? Do any of the gun laws created make anyone any safer? No, no and no. If I am going to perform an illegal act with a gun. I sure as hell ain't going to use any of my registered pieces. Almost 90% of gun related crime is committed with illegal handguns. Of the 10-15% of crime that is committed with registered weapons. One third of it is crime committed while possessing, not using a firearm. For example, in some states, if you get into a fistfight and have your pistol on you. You can be charged with anything from brandishing to assault with a deadly weapon. Whether you pulled the piece or not.
"Assault Weapons" by definition are automatic weapons. Politicians have labeled anything that 'looks' military and is semi-automatic as an assualt weapon. I have a mini-14 and an AR-15. The AR-15 is considered by the ignorant to be an assualt rifle. Why? Because of its looks alone. The Mini-14 and the AR-15 both take the same load (.223). Ironically, my Mini-14 has a larger magazine capacity. But, according to lawmakers, the AR-15 is the assualt rifle.
High-Capacity magazine bans are a joke. In Colorado, high-cap mags are illegal. Those beat-offs went into Columbine High School with the legal 10rd mags. How many lives were saved by that law?
The Virginia Tech shootings happened in a "gun-free zone". It is illegal for anyone outside of law enforcement to possess a firearm in a gun free zone. How many lives were saved by that ridiculous law?
Whether I agree with you or not. I have to admit that I like the way you write. Whether or not guns are a weapon is purely based on intent and purpose. My Ithaca Deerslayer is a tool. My Remington 870 with the pistol grip, 18" barrel and flashlight attached to it. is a weapon. When my 123lb German Sheppard is running around the yard with the kids. He is a pet. When some crackhead decides to break into my home when I am not there to give commands. Samson is a weapon. Splitting hairs? Semantics? Maybe?

Renewable registration is a terrible idea. Simply put, the only thing the state gov't would have to do is one day decide that they weren't renewing gun registrations anymore. It would make it too easy to take away our guns. In NY, I have to go to my county clerks office and put each concealable weapon I own on my pistol permit. If I sell one, I have to go back down to the county clerk and take it off. Are people any safer now that NY knows about every single pistol I own? Does ballistic fingerprinting make anyone any safer? Do any of the gun laws created make anyone any safer? No, no and no. If I am going to perform an illegal act with a gun. I sure as hell ain't going to use any of my registered pieces. Almost 90% of gun related crime is committed with illegal handguns. Of the 10-15% of crime that is committed with registered weapons. One third of it is crime committed while possessing, not using a firearm. For example, in some states, if you get into a fistfight and have your pistol on you. You can be charged with anything from brandishing to assault with a deadly weapon. Whether you pulled the piece or not.
"Assault Weapons" by definition are automatic weapons. Politicians have labeled anything that 'looks' military and is semi-automatic as an assualt weapon. I have a mini-14 and an AR-15. The AR-15 is considered by the ignorant to be an assualt rifle. Why? Because of its looks alone. The Mini-14 and the AR-15 both take the same load (.223). Ironically, my Mini-14 has a larger magazine capacity. But, according to lawmakers, the AR-15 is the assualt rifle.
High-Capacity magazine bans are a joke. In Colorado, high-cap mags are illegal. Those beat-offs went into Columbine High School with the legal 10rd mags. How many lives were saved by that law?
The Virginia Tech shootings happened in a "gun-free zone". It is illegal for anyone outside of law enforcement to possess a firearm in a gun free zone. How many lives were saved by that ridiculous law?
California passed a bill that makes any long gun that takes a magazine illegal. A friend of mine in Hemmet California had the State Police come to his door and ask for his .22 rifle. Why? Because in California you have to register all weapons. Why do they have you register them? So they know where to find you when they change the laws and take your guns.

The problem is we have a bunch of reactionary politicians. who don't know guns. that are making the laws. A child dies, a high school gets shot up and all of the sudden registering guns or taking them out of the hands of law abiding people is the answer. It isn't. I would rather have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it.

I agree and disagree, I really don't think our problems with guns are becuase of guys like you and me. I have two pistols that I keep secured along with their ammo. The problem is people that either buy them to sell on the black market or regular people get them stolen bu the dreads of the earth. I don't want our right to own a weapon to be taken away. I want our weapons to be owned and sold in a responsible manner and I'm not talking about a retarded 3 day waiting period that does nobody good. Both sides of the table need to step back and just access the situation a bit as a larger society. The dems need to get the idea out of their head that everybody with a gun is instantly a killing machine. Accept that violent crimes happened in the days of sticks and rocks. The NRA needs to accept that guns make violence pretty easy as far as weapons go. Gang bangers have it made in the fact that they don't have to get really close to their targets, it's very pussy in nature.

Maybe a renewable registration isn't the answer but there has to come a point where everyone sits down, drops the agenda for a minute and tries to come to a solution to keep our guns out of the hands of morons. The shit heads in columbine should never have been able to gain access to weapons. I'm sorry but there should be some liability in ownership instead of trying to sue gun makers.
to come to a solution to keep our guns out of the hands of morons
Your above quote will never happen! Reason being there are just as many corrupt scumbags in power who make the legislation and laws and then go about about breaking them to either further a cause they're secretly for or to get more money to implement other restrictions which really equals lining their pockets with cash..

The left will NEVER embrace the 2nd Amendment no matter how safe gun ownership becomes!! The Clinton administration got Smith & Wesson to sell their soul making pistols with internal locking mechanisms and I'm positive it hasn't reduced shooting related crimes in the least (All it's done is lose S&W a ton of customers!! I wouldn't own a new S&W pistol if it was given to me with a $100.00 bill) But what democrats will say in a few years is this measure hasn't stopped the problem at all further restrictions need to be applied..

A criminal isn't going to apply for a gun permit (Which here in Mass requires an expensive state run firearms class, multiple trips to the police station for pictures, fingerprints, etc..) He's going to grab one out a back alley and kill someone that way...Meanwhile after it happens law abiding gun owners like you, me & Q will have a harder time renewing our permits and buying already overpriced firearms.

IMO, the solution is simple...Make ALL illegal firearm arrests a mandatory 10 year prison sentence WITHOUT the possibility of parole!! Let no excuses fly..If he didn't kill someone but was just caught with a stolen gun, I'll bet 10 years later it won't happen again!! And if you kill someone with an illegal firearm....Still sentence the 10 years for posession of the weapon and then add the murder charge to it.. That would make many people think twice about being in possession of an illegal firearm

Speaking of people who need to be on the wrong end of a smoking barrel... doesn't she look like that alien at the end of Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

Your above quote will never happen! Reason being there are just as many corrupt scumbags in power who make the legislation and laws and then go about about breaking them to either further a cause they're secretly for or to get more money to implement other restrictions which really equals lining their pockets with cash..

The left will NEVER embrace the 2nd Amendment no matter how safe gun ownership becomes!! The Clinton administration got Smith & Wesson to sell their soul making pistols with internal locking mechanisms and I'm positive it hasn't reduced shooting related crimes in the least (All it's done is lose S&W a ton of customers!! I wouldn't own a new S&W pistol if it was given to me with a $100.00 bill) But what democrats will say in a few years is this measure hasn't stopped the problem at all further restrictions need to be applied..

A criminal isn't going to apply for a gun permit (Which here in Mass requires an expensive state run firearms class, multiple trips to the police station for pictures, fingerprints, etc..) He's going to grab one out a back alley and kill someone that way...Meanwhile after it happens law abiding gun owners like you, me & Q will have a harder time renewing our permits and buying already overpriced firearms.

IMO, the solution is simple...Make ALL illegal firearm arrests a mandatory 10 year prison sentence WITHOUT the possibility of parole!! Let no excuses fly..If he didn't kill someone but was just caught with a stolen gun, I'll bet 10 years later it won't happen again!! And if you kill someone with an illegal firearm....Still sentence the 10 years for posession of the weapon and then add the murder charge to it.. That would make many people think twice about being in possession of an illegal firearm

I like that, on the plus side add some legal action to people doing the mass buying to sell.

I do agree 100% that the guns used in crimes aren't purchased by legal means. I think the people who do mass buying to sell as well as the shops selling under the counter then reporting it stolen are the bigger problem. The lesser problem is people who have no idea how to secure a weapon, though if I lived in a state that allowed me to carry that would be all the security I would need on it.
IMO, the solution is simple...Make ALL illegal firearm arrests a mandatory 10 year prison sentence WITHOUT the possibility of parole!! Let no excuses fly..If he didn't kill someone but was just caught with a stolen gun, I'll bet 10 years later it won't happen again!! And if you kill someone with an illegal firearm....Still sentence the 10 years for posession of the weapon and then add the murder charge to it.. That would make many people think twice about being in possession of an illegal firearm

Sounds reasonable to me.
Sue, its really sad news that your buddy Fred Thompson bowed out of the race! I was kind've hoping he'd stick it out until the party convention. I hope he'll hop back onto the campaign trail for a VP slot.

Hey Sue... Dr. NO is ready and willing for your vote :loco:


no... as long as there are others who still speak as if they're connected to this planet, i'll have somebody to throw my hat behind.
Sue, its really sad news that your buddy Fred Thompson bowed out of the race! I was kind've hoping he'd stick it out until the party convention. I hope he'll hop back onto the campaign trail for a VP slot.

Hey Sue... Dr. NO is ready and willing for your vote :loco:


I can scarcely recall when a candidate had more hype and delivered less in the way of results. I have nothing against Thompson, but I saw this coming before he even announced...

Since Paul really hasn't a hope in Hell, it's now down to the rest of the pack of neoconmen and the newly converted "conservatives" *cough...gag... cough* all trying to convince the ever-so-gullable Republican voters that they REALLY are the resurrection of Barry matter how much their collective records not only dispute that...but often suggest exactly the OPPOSITE!:Smug:

It's a depressing time to be a right-winger - but that is hardly new in American politcs!:erk: