Question for the band...

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Does it ever get on your nerves to constantly have to beat away the women with a stick? Seriously, I know rock stardom has its privileges, and of course it's good to know you could get laid any time you wanted, but to all the fawning girls, do you ever just want to say, "FUCK OFF!!! WHY DON'T YOU ASK ME ABOUT MY MUSIC INSTEAD OF GOING TO BED WITH ME?!?!?" Just curious. I'm sure it must get old after a while, but to each his own. :)
Haha trashmetal, I like your signature. It's one of my favorite parts of comedy EVER!!!:Spin:

Back on topic : I'm not a rockstar so I don't know, but it sounds kind of fun!!!
I'm not sure though if the Anathema members really have to beat off woman with stick though...
I'm not a rockstar but maybe sometimes I can be annoying too I think. sorry for that :D
I see the somewhat other side only, er, it's like when I'm hanging around alone in a club in about 5 minutes 3 guys come there to ask some silly thing, and don't have to say what they mean... man I hate it... and not to mention when my male friends hear it they get quite angry for that I said no, and they say they would be so happy if women would just go to them like this... next time I will surely bring these guys to them ;)
there are funny and sweet ones of course (not the guy, the quote...), like my personal favourite, once I got one like this: if you come up to my room we can listen to Pink Floyd together :lol: :lol: :lol: maybe I'm cruel or what, but sorry he was the ugliest one I ever saw...
For me personally, groupies fucking annoy me. I'm not a rockstar or anything, but when I'm having a good conversation with a band I like, talking about MEANINGFUL things such as inspirations, opinions, etc., and not-so-meaningful things like how much beer we can drink or something silly like that, it really pisses me off when some fucking bimbo butts in and all but drops to her knees. I could feasibly see Danny and Vinnie especially getting annoyed by this. I'm sure they don't really have a good conversation very often with people who want them to sign their tits.

The entire band are super easy-going and laid back. They were surprised to see an American in Italy at the concert, and we just chatted about opinions, the state of music and how Anathema fits into it, a possible US tour, etc. For me, Anathema is a band that enlightens; groupies, albeit very hot, only detract from that enlightenment, in my opinion. I'm sure they serve their purpose when needed, but I see nothing interesting with them.
Groupies are a joke, especially the ones who wont admit that they are. Sure, they come in handy for bands but they'll be the running joke in the bus later on, and whenever theyre mentioned again. Meanwhile, parallel to this, they think theyre special cos someone from a band has paid them attention. hilarious/pathetic/sad all at once
Shit, I really fell asleep between posting the previous one and waiting for it to appear, which was about 5-10 minutes :lol: meanwhile reading John Stuart Mill, he's a lovely man, he wouldn't say such terrible things about women, not even about groupies. :D
Haha, sorry, we have this saying when we sort of have an idea what the other's reaction will be to something we say, so we say that "I could have put your answer in an envelope", like before you said it and then you say it and I open the envelope and the answer is the same as yours. In short, I knew you'd write *yawn*. Which reminds me, dogs do that when they're impatient, before going out :lol:
shes just being a stupid kunt

but aye about groupies, i know quite a few, and...haha i can spot them a mile off, not just looking for the shag but to see what they can get, i mean what for? Fuck Off!!

TIP: be normal, dont get excited, grow up, and remember, band members never end up with a groupie in the end ;)