Question for the band...


This was an absolutely unnecessary thing to say, and I said I'm not gonna start an argument, and here I am arguing again about some total bollox. Fuck this whole thing, forget it, for fucks sake.
I think groupies are usually pathetic twats who give a bad name to us girls who are actually interested in the music. There's not enough girls who play instruments, so I think many of them see musicians (especially of the male persuasion) as some kind of magical beings. Writing songs, learning an instrument, recording demos, scheduling rehearsals, booking gigs, making flyers, and traveling to gigs takes the mystery and glamour away from being in a band.
About the groupies:
They are the reason I feel shy to go talk to a male artist and tell him how much I admire his work, how much it has inspired me, how it makes me feel etc. I would like to see how this artist is as a person and have a friendly talk with him, but I'm afraid he'll get the wrong impression (I tend to be quite enthusiastic with what I like, but I don't flirt).

Groupies, artists have their OWN personal life. What you're doing is sometimes embarrassing for them, their possible girlfriends and for you as well. You can cause them a lot of trouble with your attitude. If they wanted something more from you, they would let you know. If they wanted your "company",they would make you understand it and it would be ok. Just stop sticking to them if you don't see they're interested and especially when they're trying to hide how much they want to escape from you! Their time is not all yours, they are common people, and you can really be annoying. So, don't take advantage of the time they spend with the real fans.

And..change your criteria! Stop acting like female animals which get impressed by the males' demonstration of power, singing skills (birds>chicks, hehe!) etc. (It's all science after all...)
darkladykleio said:
And..change your criteria! Stop acting like female animals which get impressed by the males' demonstration of power, singing skills (birds>chicks, hehe!) etc. (It's all science after all...)

We all have choices and we make them every day. It's not about "it's in our nature", it's about making the right choices at the right time.

If a girl / boy wants to be a groupie: fine, but don't be a hypocrit about it. (this applies to UM too)