Got A Question and plz Help out my Band

Ok Threadstarter, first of all. You are 14. You have to let your balls drop a little first before you can acquire a raspy voice.

As far as screams go, go to and read up on screaming/growling. There you will find information on how to do that stuff. It also takes practice. I've been screaming/growling for about a year or so now, and I've developed it so it doesn't hurt, and I can add a lot of rasp to my voice without damaging it. Remember, DON'T YELL!! If your throat starts hurting, stop or you will fuck up your throat.

How I learned is I basically listened to artists and tried to emulate the sound they produced(and I also learned from Musicianforums). As time goes by, you will be able to push harder and make your voice stronger. For now, you are young, and trying to accomplish a technique like this can be hard. For me, i'm still trying to perfect my technique and get better at it, and it took me well over a year.
lmao you guys are funny with the "find your own style, fanboy." quote.
he might want to sing like alexi because hes actually doing a cover of children of bodom. if your style of signing in your band is nightwish's and you want to interprete COB... that would be stupid.

well you can understand what i mean altough i wrote it not very well
LoL_PwN_LoL said:
How the hell do heavy metal bands get their voice like that, i know some just yell but it doesn't always seem like that. Please dont like.. beat my into the dirt for askin that lol.
I would encourage you to wait a little longer considering you 14. Alexi wasn't even singing like that when he was 14. You guys should come up with your own songs first before you start doing covers. It will improve your abilities as a musician by coming up with your own shit first. :)
You might have not noticed this, but you kinda got mixed up with the abreviation. It's COBHC, not COBCH. :)
Yeah I would also recommend for a garage band of (assumingly) 14 year olds, to start somewhere a little less technical than CoB.
Bed of razors is the best thing to start with, try not to play the melodic parts at full speed, get a metronome if u don't have one yet and play the melodic parts at a speed that makes u feel comfortable and then try to speed up every week with 2 bpm's or something like that. Play every day with your metronome for 20 minutes (without pauses!) and don't search further for advice or something, the only thing that helps is practicing!
i already like LOL_pwn more than many of the other new guys. at least he admits he doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about.

p.s.- learn to sing the correct way before you try and scream. you need to know how to use your diaphragm, screaming correctly has nothing to do with smoking, drinking, phlegm, etc. if you use those methods youll fuck your vocal chords up beyond recognition.