COBHC.COM needs your help

Jani Laiho said:
instead of just putting, Alexi: ESP Guitars. list all the equipment that the band members use on stage or in the studio. or whereever. so people will stop asking on the forum so much. i know that will make bobvex happy as hell too, :)

why would that make me happy, i learned what he used ages ago, it's all you that wonder, i posted it in the welcome message, tbh.
Charmiss said:
And about Ruttopuisto, it's a former graveyard in Helsinki, which is nowadays more like a park. Some tombstones are still left to remind about the past.
Uuuh, I just gotta go there! I love old tombstones :hotjump:

Can't think of any questions that haven't been mentioned yet... Maybe make that question "Do you haven any tattoos/piercings?" so the question isn't especially for Alexi. And you should ask "Since when have you been playing...." instead of "How long..." then you don't need to update it each year :p
bobvex said:
why would that make me happy, i learned what he used ages ago, it's all you that wonder, i posted it in the welcome message, tbh.

well thats what i meant. ive just seen you get irritated plenty of times on here about it. hell i even asked you about it once, but i think it was how you made your alexi replicas. and ive never seen that post so i didnt know.
well heres one question(s) that i hope you answer me ( webmaster):

how did you become the new webmaster?
cob pay you or you are just a friend of the band members or you joust do it becuz you are a fan?
and the 3rd, you will have the site updated like Scythes of Bodom (the best site of children of bodom nowdays, the true... this sites owns very hard to

my questions to the band that i hope you will put one:

alexi, i know this question is very focused in your personal life, but is just a doubt, i think you will see this like me, in a good sense of humor,

2° to roope: people goes old every day, you are not so young, so why you dont do a fucking tattoo? or if you have, tell us where is ;)!!
even without being the new cobhc webmaster i can tell you that alexi isn't married any more. and i don't think a child would fit into his current lifestyle, so don't expect too much ;)
This thread is full of fucked up-fanboy-questions ! :yuk:
I think the questions that were asked back in 2000 are all we ned to know , but they should be asked again so the answers are up to date.

EDIT: Ok I just thought of a question that would make sense...
"Why did you guys change from Nuclear Blast to Universal ?"
I don't wanna discuss anything else in this thread so feel free to send me a PM when you have questions to me.

I'm gonna set the deadline for your questions for the end of July so the band members have enough time to answer the questions and send them back to me until the new website gets launched in September.

I think it's the best when we keep 90% of the older questions with new answers. Maybe even the band members come up with some own funny questions.
COBHC Webmaster said:
I don't wanna discuss anything else in this thread so feel free to send me a PM when you have questions to me.

I'm gonna set the deadline for your questions for the end of July so the band members have enough time to answer the questions and send them back to me until the new website gets launched in September.

I think it's the best when we keep 90% of the older questions with new answers. Maybe even the band members come up with some own funny questions.

how about a favorite moment while monkey ass drunk?
Wings of a dream said:
This questions could apply to all the members

What would your Job be if not a musician?

How many hours did you spend practicing during your teen years?

The second one specially I've never seen answered anywhere. Alexi always said it takes dedication to become good on the guitar, but not anythinh regarding how much time he practiced, same with the other members.

i give guitar about 8 hours a day.... i cant imagine it being much more than that
Bodomist said:
Ok I just thought of a question that would make sense...
"Why did you guys change from Nuclear Blast to Universal ?"

If I remember correctly, that was simply because the contract with NB ended and then Universal made a better contract offer.