Active Member
Just a bit of random fun.![]()
Can't answer all, but here's my list.
Tall, short or average: Average
Fat, thin or average: Average
Describe yourself politically (eg party, ideology etc): I vote democrat
Balanced diet, vegan, vegetarian or meat obsessed: Balanced
Preferred gaming machine: Xbox I guess (I've only played one game in the past five years, and that's Skyrim)
DVD, bluray or digital: DVD I guess (mostly use Netflix, Amazon Instant, or OnDemand)
Favourite 5 video games: Skyrim is at the top, and the only recent game - the others are old N64 games from my high school days: Mario Kart 64, GoldenEye, Extreme G, Perfect Dark
Favourite author: Cormac McCarthy
Favourite book/book series (fiction): it's a tie between Blood Meridian (Cormac McCarthy) and Gravity's Rainbow (Thomas Pynchon)
Favourite book/book series (non-fiction): tough, but probably go with the book that finally pushed me into literary criticism/theory: Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious: Literature as a Socially Symbolic Act
Favourite documentary film: Particle Fever
Favourite director: of all time, probably Stanley Kubrick; but currently it's Jeff Nichols
Favourite film/film series: first season of True Detective
Favourite action film/film series: Die Hard (really only the first three)
Favourite comedy film/film series: The Big Lebowski
Favourite science fiction film/film series: Alien (first is the best, but I enjoy the first three films)
Favourite fantasy film/film series: Star Wars (no, it isn't science fiction)
Favourite horror film/film series: I'm going to be an asshole and do some genre-bending, and say that David Lynch's Lost Highway is my favorite horror film because I think it meets some criteria. The closest thing to actual horror that I might be able to call a favorite is John Carpenter's The Thing
Favourite war film/film series: probably Apocalypse Now
Favourite drama/romance film/film series: (see non-categorical film below)
Favourite crime film/film series: probably Se7en
Favourite animated film/film series: n/a
Favourite film that doesn't fit neatly into any of these categories: Take Shelter, directed by Jeff Nichols; it's really just a drama, although there's a significant romantic element to it. But it's also a horror film in many ways, and possibly even science fiction. Ultimately it's just a fantastic film, and moving on multiple levels
Favourite film composer: n/a
Practical effects or CGI: I suppose practical, but I appreciate a blend
Favourite 5 actors (both sexes): eh, no idea, this always changes. Currently, I'd probably put Michael Shannon and Tatiana Maslany up there.
Favourite graphic novel illustrator: n/a
Favourite graphic novel/manga/series: Asterios Polyp
Make your fruit salad by choosing 5 fruits: don't know
Preferred beer brand: Smuttynose
Favourite non-animated television series: currently Mr. Robot
Favourite animated television series: n/a
Favourite book-to-film adaptation: No Country For Old Men
Place you want to visit the most before you die: Istanbul (not looking too good right now)
Song you want played at your funeral: The Parting Glass
Favourite pop album: probably either Us or Up, both by Peter Gabriel
Favourite hard rock album: Appetite for Destruction
Favourite folk album: Hazel Steps Through a Weathered Home (In Gowan Ring)
Favourite progressive (metal or rock) album: Selling England By the Pound (Genesis)
Favourite heavy metal album: Painkiller
Favourite doom metal album: if I'm being zealously authentic, Black Sabbath (duh); but otherwise Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
Favourite punk album: ...And Out Come the Wolves
Favourite grindcore (subgenres included) album: n/a
Favourite electronic album: Love Death Immortality (The Glitch Mob)
Favourite thrash metal album: Ride the Lightning
Favourite death metal album: don't really listen to death metal, but probably some proggy shit like Elements
Favourite black metal album: this is tough; probably have to go with Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, but to be honest there are more recent records that I listen to more frequently - fucking love Bornholm's March for Glory and Revenge, and personal albeit obscure favorite of mine is Black Lotus's Harvest of Seasons
Favourite power metal album: The Spirit of Ukko (Kiuas - I know, I'm a poser)
Favourite NWOBHM album: n/a
Favourite psychedelic album: Meddle
Favourite blues album: n/a
Favourite jazz album: n/a
Favourite "epic" metal album: don't believe in "epic" as a genre (although I used to); tough to pick though, maybe Nightfall in Middle-Earth
Favourite hip hop album: n/a
Favourite metalcore album: n/a
Favourite sludge album: n/a
Favourite album that doesn't fit neatly into any of these categories: every album by Rome (but mostly Masse Mensch Material)
Choose 1 album to play from start to end during a special event: depends on the event; casual dinner/night in with friends, Bonobo's Black Sands
Favourite meal you can cook yourself: Korean beef stir fry
Favourite meal you cannot cook yourself: Pasta Bolognese (my wife can make this and it is fucking awesome)
Favourite metal album from Norway: Emperor
Favourite metal album from Sweden: Dark Tranquillity
Favourite metal album from Finland: Kiuas
Favourite metal album from Netherlands: no idea
Favourite metal album from Germany: probably Blind Guardian
Favourite metal album from Russia: no idea
Favourite metal album from Australia: no idea
Favourite metal album from New Zealand: no idea
Favourite metal album from Canada: no fucking idea
If you could learn a new language and speak it fluently, which: French
Choose 5 ingredients to use in a blender while making a drink:
Favourite 5 album covers: no idea
Favourite accent to hear: French
Last book you read that you know you'll re-read: Don DeLillo's Underworld
Favourite dinosaur: velociraptor
Favourite kaiju: n/a
Dream job as a child: paleontologist
Digimon or Pokémon: n/a
Masters Of The Universe or Transformers: Transformers I guess
Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles or G.I. Joe: Turtle power
Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat: FINISH HIM
Preferred sport: hockey
Least preferred sport: no idea
Preferred cereal and what kind of milk: Cheerios with skim
Preferred cut of meat and which animal: filet of steak
Jeans, corduroy, khaki, sweatpants or cargo: khaki
^Tight, loose, normal or very loose: normal
You have Friday off from work, what do you do: read
Favourite 5 guitarists: David Gilmour, Mark Knopfler, Martin Barre, Steve Hackett, Kristian Niemann (had to get a metal guitarist in there)
Favourite 5 male vocalists: no idea
Favourite 5 female vocalists: no idea
Favourite 5 bassists: ha
Favourite 5 drummers: haha
Night owl or early bird: early bird
Vinyl, tape, CD or digital: digital
Preferred footwear: slip-on boat shoes (none of that fancy laces shit)
Preferred hat wear: n/a
Favourite album released the year you were born: no idea
Favourite wrestler: n/a
You're given a free jacket and asked to choose 6 patches to put on it, they are: n/a
Skeletor or Shredder: Shredder
What are you drinking and/or eating right now: coffee
Favourite episode of The Simpsons: n/a (don't watch it enough)
Favourite episode of South Park: n/a (don't watch it enough)
Favourite episode of Seinfeld: all of them (actually, probably the one where Elaine dates a "black guy")
Right-wing or left-wing: left, I guess
Classical feminism or modern feminism: don't know what this means; I like Donna Haraway and Judith Butler, but I don't like sjw feminism
Conservative or progressive: progressive
Libertarian or socialist: yes
Anarchist or communist: ditto
Left-handed or right-handed: write and eat with my left hand, play all sports right-handed (which is probably why I suck at sports)
Theist or atheist: atheist
Pro-religion or anti-religion: I have no animosity toward religion, but I tend to be wary of it
Cat or dog: both please
Rural or urban: urban
Your ideal vehicle is: public transportation
Favourite album by Bob Dylan: Desire (followed by Oh Mercy)
Favourite album by The Rolling Stones: n/a
Favourite album by The Beatles: n/a
Favourite album by Led Zeppelin: IV
Favourite album by Black Sabbath: Black Sabbath
Favourite album by Creedence Clearwater Revival: n/a
Favourite album by The Doors: n/a
Before work ritual is: coffee and news (and UM of course)
After work ritual is: cocktail and entertain myself by analyzing FOX news
Band you like with the most consistent discography: Pink Floyd (even after Waters left)
Band you like with the most inconsistent discography: don't know
Director you like with the most consistent filmography: Stanley Kubrick
Director you like with the most inconsistent filmography: David Fincher
Favourite child actor: don't know
If you were a pornstar, your stage name would be: Buck Naked