1: How old are you? 19
2: Did you like school? for a while there, i didnt even realize i was in it.
sex drugs rock'n'roll.
hehe no really, nowadays i like school sometimes.
3: If you could be any character in a film then who?
jack the pumpkin king! itd be halloween everyday! woo!
4: If you could be another poster on UM?
im ok with being me.
and lina, your welcome to my nurse uniform-i just cant keep the darn thing on....its so...ooohhhh....tight!
5: Favourite Program?
ok....dont laugh....change of heart.
6: Favourate Cartoon Character?
maleficent from sleeping beauty. she evil for evils sake and turns into that kick ass dragon.
7: Dream Job?
clothing designer/photographer for metal mags ;P
8: Shoe size?
7 1/2
9: What do you dislike/hate most in life?
i like it all....even if i feel i want to die at times-without the bad, the good wouldnt be so sweet! im all about the contrasts.
10: Would you cheat on your partner?
hell no.
11: Best day of your life so far?
hahahahhahahahha damn i hope it hasnt happened yet

. the opeth concert came close!
12: Is this really as boring as it seems?
13: What time do you usually wake up?
well i woke up at 6a.m on friday-at 12pm today....i dont have a stable schedual
14: What should happen to Bin Laden when hes caught?
his eyelids should be cut off.
then he should be adorned with an american flag and strapped down, and people should line up to stick hundreds of those little 'usa' flag buttons in his flesh, while someone stood by to pour fingernail polish remover over him so all the tiny wounds would sting and his eyes would burn.
15: Whats your best position, on a football pitch?
are you refering to soccer or football? with soccer im hopeless....football, i can throw and catch one ok. why did i bother answering this?
16: Do you prefer Talking or Texting?
it depends! both!
17: Are you patriotic?
not really. i think it could be better to live somewhere else-and it could really be worse. and im thankful that ive got food to eat and and house and shit.
you know, i think these fucking 'god bless america' stickers-well, if a really good christian had one itd say 'god bless the world' or something.
18: Who is your hero?
19: Whats your favourate none sport computer game?
solitare. hahah yes im lame.
20: If someone your own sex fancied how would you react?
i might make out with them if they were attractive, but definatly couldnt carry on a relationship or have sex with them.
21: Who is your favourite band ever?
22: Who is your favourite solo artist ever?
8-bit bastard, from nontindöskull
23: Whos youre favourate Friends Character?
i dont watch friends-but when i delclaired my major as being in the fashion field, my advisor pointed out that some chick on friends buys clothes for ralph lauren or something!? so i guess she is. oh no thats not the stupid blond chick is it? :O
24: When will city win their next trophy? (49ers dammit)
tomorrow. what are you talking about you crazy albanina?
25: Will you accept my apologies if this is crap?
if you will play some danzig.