Another! Loads of bloody Questions thread


New Metal Member
May 9, 2001
(Coz Im a nosey fucker )

1: What is your name?
2: What was the last song you listened to?
3: What was the last thing you eat?
4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon?
6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain?
8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
10: Do you like the sound of your own voice?
11: How are you today?
12: Are you an alcholic?
13: Favourate Sport?
14: What's the next CD your gunna get?
15: Your height?
16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses?
17: What are your future goals?
18: Your favourate quote?
19: Favourate Movie
20: Favourate Day of the year?
21: Favourate Month?
22: Do you like to dance?
23: Are you to shy to ask someone out?
24: Summer or Winter?
25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond?
26: When's the last time you got laid?
27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed?
28: What colour are your room walls?
29: Are you hungry?
30: What's for dinner?
I'll be pretty impressed if someone really answers all those questions...:err:
1: What is your name?
2: What was the last song you listened to?
Blazing Eternity - one of the songs on their album
3: What was the last thing you eat?
Hmmm....Burger King
4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon?
6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Im not gonna answer that :)
7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain?
Snow or Rain
8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My friend Guy
9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
10: Do you like the sound of your own voice?
11: How are you today?
Just woke up, not sure yet
12: Are you an alcholic?
No, i cant stand alcohol
13: Favourate Sport?
14: What's the next CD your gunna get?
The one i will find first
15: Your height?
Oops..i wrote my height is 1.70 M
16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses?
17: What are your future goals?
18: Your favourate quote?
Death is your redeemer to the paradise you've lost
19: Favourate Movie
12 Monkeys, American Beauty, Empire Records
20: Favourate Day of the year?
21: Favourate Month?
22: Do you like to dance?
23: Are you to shy to ask someone out?
24: Summer or Winter?
25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond?
26: When's the last time you got laid?
Never happend
27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed?
28: What colour are your room walls?
29: Are you hungry?
30: What's for dinner?
Ask my mom

There....i did it :)
1: What is your name? Gøran
2: What was the last song you listened to? Iced Earth - Slave to the Dark
3: What was the last thing you eat? A small bag of salt and vineagar chips.
4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be? Dark blue!
5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon? Alaska
6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? Err...not quite sure yet. Wouldn't be telling you even if I did know.
7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain? Snow
8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? A friend
9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hehe, body I guess. Depends on which "attribute" looks the best.
10: Do you like the sound of your own voice? No
11: How are you today? Tired, but happy.
12: Are you an alcholic? Not really.
13: Favourate Sport? Football (Euro style)
14: What's the next CD your gunna get? Morningrise (Only have a burned copy which I want to replace with the real thing.)
15: Your height? Just under 6ft. 1m. 79cm.
16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses? *sigh* glasses.
17: What are your future goals? Live a worthwhile life doing things I enjoy as well as in some way contributing to the conservation of the earth effort. So, I guess, not bucking to the pressure and staying true to myself.
18: Your favourate quote? Hard work never killed anyone, but why take the chance?
19: Favourate Movie? Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail
20: Favourate Day of the year? In general, 8th May (My birthday.)
21: Favourate Month? December
22: Do you like to dance? Not really. I mosh fairly well though :)
23: Are you to shy to ask someone out? Nope
24: Summer or Winter? Winter
25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond? Am I the only one who prefers Timothy Dalton?
26: When's the last time you got laid? Too long ago (2 months *sigh*) Then again, I havn't had a girlfriend for that long.
27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed? Never.
28: What colour are your room walls? Wood!
29: Are you hungry? Yes
30. What's for dinner? Balinese chicken with rice and coconut/ginger sauce.
1: What is your name? - Peter
2: What was the last song you listened to? - hmm, currently listening to My Dying Bride - The Deepest Of All Hearts
3: What was the last thing you eat? - cornflakes
4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be? - wtf... are you drunk?
5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon? - dunno
6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? - see answer no.5
7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain? snow
8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? - see answer no.5
9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? - face
10: Do you like the sound of your own voice? - only if i'm not singing
11: How are you today? - something between pissed off and almost happy
12: Are you an alcholic? - no
13: Favourate Sport? - skiing/snowboarding, don't really like other sports
14: What's the next CD your gunna get? - see answer no.5
15: Your height? - umm... somewhere around 180cm i think
16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses? - yes
17: What are your future goals? - see answer no.5
18: Your favourate quote? - see answer no.5
19: Favourate Movie - can't really pick one
20: Favourate Day of the year? - wtf
21: Favourate Month? - blah
22: Do you like to dance? - what kind of dance?
23: Are you to shy to ask someone out? - usually, yes
24: Summer or Winter? - what I like better? winter
25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond? - I honestly don't give a fuck
26: When's the last time you got laid? - never
27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed? - ?
28: What colour are your room walls? - white, why do you ask? :err:
29: Are you hungry? - no, just ate my neighbor
30: What's for dinner? - the other one
1: What is your name?

2: What was the last song you listened to?
Alas - "Quest for Serenity"

3: What was the last thing you eat?

4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
Haven't really thought about that...

5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon?
Don't know... not that recent so I won't bother my head with it.

6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
A woman that I love and who loves me back. Yet to find her.

7: Do you prefer, snow, sun or rain?
Sun. But not too hot, Finnish summer is hot enough.

8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom.

9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Depends. Usually eyes and face.

10: Do you like the sound of your own voice?

11: How are you today?
I'm fine, thanks for asking.

12: Are you an alcholic?
No, but I do drink at least once a week :)

13: Favourate Sport?

14: What's the next CD your gunna get?
Either Natalie Imbruglia's latest cd, Black Messiah's "Sceptre of Black Knowledge" or Mezarkabul's "Unspoken". Whichever arrives first. :)

15: Your height?
190 cm

16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses?

17: What are your future goals?
To have a wife and kids, and a good job.

18: Your favourate quote?
Don't know...

19: Favourate Movie
Ace Ventura

20: Favourate Day of the year?
Midsummer's eve

21: Favourate Month?

22: Do you like to dance?

23: Are you too shy to ask someone out?
I'm shy, but not that shy.

24: Summer or Winter?

25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond?
Don't watch the Bond movies.

26: When's the last time you got laid? - never

27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed?
If I understand this, last night.

28: What colour are your room walls?
White, covered with posters.

29: Are you hungry?

30: What's for dinner?
Nothing, just grabbed something from the fridge.
1: What is your name? Jonathan
2: What was the last song you listened to? Denied by Annihilator
3: What was the last thing you eat? clam chowder
4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be? blue
5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon? uh, did that 20 years ago
6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? my wife
7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain? a combination of all
8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my son
9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? they look different
10: Do you like the sound of your own voice? never listened to myself, but I probably annoy myself
11: How are you today? I guess just OK
12: Are you an alcholic? nope
13: Favourate Sport? ice hockey
14: What's the next CD your gunna get? if I narrow it down under 25, I'll let you know
15: Your height? 5'10.5"
16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses? no
17: What are your future goals? to grow old
18: Your favourate quote? "doh"
19: Favourate Movie The Matrix
20: Favourate Day of the year? New Years
21: Favourate Month? July
22: Do you like to dance? no
23: Are you to shy to ask someone out? don't do that anymore
24: Summer or Winter? both
25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond? Pierce Brosnan
26: When's the last time you got laid? 2 days ago
27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed? who knows?
28: What colour are your room walls? beige
29: Are you hungry? always
30: What's for dinner? probably leftovers
1: What is your name? Jeffrey Peters
2: What was the last song you listened to? Alone by Arcturus
3: What was the last thing you eat? Del Taco at 1 in the morning:)
4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be? Brick red hehe
5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon? Norway, of course...
6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? haven't decided that hehe
7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain? rain, if its warm out
8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my friend Amy
9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes
10: Do you like the sound of your own voice? HELL NO. I think I sound like Butthead, but everyone tells me I have a "Radio voice", so...
11: How are you today? Super, so thanks for asking...
12: Are you an alcholic? no, but I like my JD once in a while :)
13: Favourate Sport? Baseball
14: What's the next CD your gunna get? Battles Clarion by Averse Sefira
15: Your height? 6 feet, two inches
16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses? no
17: What are your future goals? dunno yet...
18: Your favourate quote? "Common sense is as common as it is rare"
19: Favourate Movie Fight Club or Spinal Tap...close one...
20: Favourate Day of the year? June 2nd (the day I graced you all with my blessed presence :)
21: Favourate Month? July
22: Do you like to dance? no
23: Are you to shy to ask someone out? sometimes, but then I figure, you only once...
24: Summer or Winter? both, please
25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond? Clive OWens (Croupier) should play bond, but Connery was the best
26: When's the last time you got laid? Well I lay down last night...oh! hehe...last week.
27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed?HAHAHAHAHA....yesterday
28: What colour are your room walls? White (college dormitory and all...
29: Are you hungry? yes, gonna buy me breakfast?
30: What's for dinner? small children...
1: What is your name?

2: What was the last song you listened to?
Era - hmm.. dont remember the song

3: What was the last thing you eat?

4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
what is crayon? :cry:

5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon?
hmm..someplace warm..perhaps

6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Havent thought of that... but a girl would be nice :)

7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain?

8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
a costumer...

9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
the face/nose :)

10: Do you like the sound of your own voice?
havent thought of that... mom says I have a dark voice :err:

11: How are you today?
just fine..just eaten :)

12: Are you an alcholic?
hell no.. hate alcohol

13: Favourate Sport?
hmm...If I must choose.. Ice Hockey

14: What's the next CD your gunna get?

15: Your height?
1.73 M

16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses?
yeah.. glasses

17: What are your future goals?
get a job.. and my own place to live

18: Your favourate quote?
dont have one

19: Favourate Movie
dumb & dumber :tickled: ..hmm. pulp fiction, Leon, Ronin

20: Favourate Day of the year?
none... New year is pretty nice

21: Favourate Month?

22: Do you like to dance?

23: Are you to shy to ask someone out?
yeah :cry:

24: Summer or Winter?

25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond?
Sean Connery

26: When's the last time you got laid?

27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed?

28: What colour are your room walls?
dark blue

29: Are you hungry?
nope.. just ate some pasta :D

30: What's for dinner?
1: What is your name? Jeff
2: What was the last song you listened to?
Dissection - Black Horizons
3: What was the last thing you eat? Kebab
4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be? Purple
5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon? Near a lake, wih the sun falling
6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? No Comment :)
7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain? Rain
8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My friend Vince
9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Face
10: Do you like the sound of your own voice? Yep
11: How are you today? Feeling a little sad
12: Are you an alcholic? Nope
13: Favourate Sport? Brazilan Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Rugby, Ice Hockey
14: What's the next CD your gunna get? My Dying Bride : Turn Loose The Swan
15: Your height? 176 cm
16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses? Nope
17: What are your future goals? Doing psychology in a fatal illness section
18: Your favourate quote? Which does not kill you make you stronger (Nietzche)
19: Favourate Movie? Philadelphia, Silence Of The Lambs
20: Favourate Day of the year? My birthday
21: Favourate Month? December
22: Do you like to dance? Nope
23: Are you to shy to ask someone out? Yep
24: Summer or Winter? Winter
25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond? Sean Connery
26: When's the last time you got laid? Never
27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed? Hmmm... No commen if that's what i'm thinking
28: What colour are your room walls? White
29: Are you hungry? Nope
30: What's for dinner? A light salad with some meat in it
1: What is your name?
Jan Dieter Vandaele

2: What was the last song you listened to?
Judas Priest: stained class

3: What was the last thing you eat?
spaghetti bolognese

4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
dark red

5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon?
never thought about that; Italy maybe

6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
a true love which I obviously haven't found yet, but who is both mysterious and sweet, rational and pretty, and intelligent

7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain?
rain with a sun surfacing: i like the rainbow

8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
a girl in order to ask her out. At a party last thursday, I had the guts to go to some woman that I hardly knew, asked her number. She gave me, I phoned just a minute ago; and tomorrow we have a date: wooooo-hheeeeee :)

9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

10: Do you like the sound of your own voice?
i didn't in the past, but a more and more people tell me now, that I've gotten a bit of a sore throat and it's pretty cool ;)

11: How are you today?
fuckin' fine

12: Are you an alcholic?
not at all, though I love a regular beer

13: Favourate Sport?
Cycling :headbang:

14: What's the next CD your gunna get?
Probably Judas Priest's British steel as i'm collecting the box set :)

15: Your height?

16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses?
contact lenses

17: What are your future goals?
next year, doing a post-grad in Aachen or Warwick (depends on the money available) and after that head for Saint Petersburg to do my MBA at the State University.
I want to work with a big company and help to build out civilization :err:

18: Your favourate quote?
"a robin red breast in a cage,
puts all of Heaven in a Rage" by William Blake originally

19: Favourate Movie
Eric the Viking

20: Favourate Day of the year?
25th december :D

21: Favourate Month?

22: Do you like to dance?
Yeah sure, but I'm not always in the mood

23: Are you to shy to ask someone out?
NOt at all.

24: Summer or Winter?
If not spring or autumn: summer

25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond?
Sean Connery

26: When's the last time you got laid?
February, about 8 months ago :eek: i'm too romantic. Last thursday I lay in bed with a girl, and I decided to go home before we got too it. Damn romantic soul ;)

27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed?
as they don't write it on their face, i have no idea;

28: What colour are your room walls?
soft yellow

29: Are you hungry?
fuck no , i just ate

30: What's for dinner?
1: What is your name?

2: What was the last song you listened to?
Gathering -- In Motion #2

3: What was the last thing you eat?
cereal and milk (monday is my day off, so yes, i just ate breakfast at 1:00 pm)

4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be?

5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon?
somewhere that i wouldn't feel guilty for not doing any sightseeing. :rolleyes: so probably somplace tropical

6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?

7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain?

8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
good one, eclipse, cause you're absolutely right -- clothes

10: Do you like the sound of your own voice?
nope. it's always shocking to hear cause it's not what it sounds like on my end.

11: How are you today?
good, but lazy

12: Are you an alcholic?
nope. around 18 or 19 i drank a lot, but that got old fast. just a drink here and there.

13: Favourate Sport?
i like soccer, hockey and basketball, but i don't follow any sports religiously

14: What's the next CD your gunna get?
evergrey should be arriving soon from ebay. i got that recommendation from blackspirit.

15: Your height?
5'10'' (I think that's 178 cm)

16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses?
contacts, but i want laser surgery

17: What are your future goals?
to get laser surgery! :D um, unfortunately i don't have any concrete ones -- just get married and find a job in my field (public policy) that actually pays enough money to live off.

18: Your favourate quote?
it's my signature

19: Favourate Movie

20: Favourate Day of the year?
probably christmas day

21: Favourate Month?

22: Do you like to dance?

23: Are you to shy to ask someone out?
nah. in fact, i asked my current boyfriend out 6 years ago in high school...AND HE TURNED ME DOWN. (hehe, i'm not letting him forget it!)

24: Summer or Winter?
neither dammit, fall!

25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond?
would you believe i haven't seen any of the bond movies?

26: When's the last time you got laid?
uhhh...last tuesday :cool:

27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed?
when was the last time i shook hands with anyone?! but i spoke to an unemployed person yesterday.

28: What colour are your room walls?
a gray/purple/blue

29: Are you hungry?
hungry, no. envisioning fried chicken, yes.

30: What's for dinner?
hopefully fried chicken. actually, i'm going to the mall, so something at the food court.
1: What is your name?
Maria but many people call me Mel and it sounds better ; )
2: What was the last song you listened to?
3: What was the last thing you eat?
a square of chocolate
4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
Dark blue
5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon?
Iceland :)
6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
I won't tell you ;)
7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain?
8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My brother
9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
10: Do you like the sound of your own voice?
Not really...but some friends say i have a 090-voice :lol:
11: How are you today?
A bit tired,but I've had a nice day so far
12: Are you an alcholic?
No,"I am a drunk,alcoholic go to courses" :p
*joking* I don't drink...
13: Favourate Sport?
14: What's the next CD your gunna get?
Haven't decided yet
15: Your height?
1.69 m (a bit taller with the shoes : p )
16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses?
17: What are your future goals?
hmmm passing all my classes with good marks
18: Your favourate quote?
this changes from time to time
19: Favourate Movie
Pulp Fiction
20: Favourate Day of the year?
Any day in December
21: Favourate Month?
22: Do you like to dance?
23: Are you to shy to ask someone out?
24: Summer or Winter?
25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond?
don't care about james bond :D
26: When's the last time you got laid?
you,gossip! ;)
27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed?
Hmmmmmmmmmm hehe
28: What colour are your room walls?
very very very very light green
29: Are you hungry?
30: What's for dinner?
Cheesepie....rarely do I eat an ordinary dinner...
1: What is your name?
2: What was the last song you listened to?
Emperor-I am the black wizard
3: What was the last thing you eat?
White Rice
4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
Raw Umber
5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon?
I honeymooned in Hawaii, but I'll be in line when Mars opens up!
6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
My Wife Megan
7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain?
Sun :eek:n a cold day
8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Some guy I work with
9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
10: Do you like the sound of your own voice?
I guess
11: How are you today?
12: Are you an alcholic?
No, but I do love a good Beer
13: Favourate Sport?
not really
14: What's the next CD your gunna get?
15: Your height?
6 feet
16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses?
17: What are your future goals?
To watch my newborn twin daughters grow up
18: Your favourate quote?
I never remember them
19: Favourate Movie
The Good The Bad and The Ugly
20: Favourate Day of the year?
21: Favourate Month?
22: Do you like to dance?
23: Are you to shy to ask someone out?
Yeah, but she went out with me anyway
24: Summer or Winter?
25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond?
I like Clint Eastwood movies better
26: When's the last time you got laid?
27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed? I couldn't tell you
28: What colour are your room walls?
Tan and Brown
29: Are you hungry?
no I just ate
30: What's for dinner?