Another! Loads of bloody Questions thread

1: What is your name?

2: What was the last song you listened to?
"Aphelion" by Tristania

3: What was the last thing you eat?
A bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich from the corner deli.

4: If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
Hot pink! (just kidding!)... probably black or gray.

5: Where do you want to go on honeymoon?
Any tropical getaway.

6: Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
My boyfriend.

7: Do you prefer, snow sun or rain?
I like the sound of falling rain, but snow is more fun.

8: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My sister

9: What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

10: Do you like the sound of your own voice?
Yes, but not when I try to sing.

11: How are you today?
Melancholy and introspective.

12: Are you an alcholic?
No, I'm a casual drinker.

13: Favourate Sport?
Martial Arts.

14: What's the next CD your gunna get?
An album from either DJ Tiesto, Children of Bodom, or Tristania. Haven't decided.

15: Your height?

16: Do you wear contact lenses/glasses?
I wear glasses

17: What are your future goals?
Own a house, become a published author, marry.

18: Your favourate quote?
"Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home someday."

19: Favourate Movie

20: Favourate Day of the year?
My birthday

21: Favourate Month?

22: Do you like to dance?
Yes, but don't tell my family that.

23: Are you to shy to ask someone out?
Hell ya, especially since I have to worry that the guy may not be gay when I ask him out.

24: Summer or Winter?
Winter. I love the cold!

25: Your favourate actor to play James Bond?

26: When's the last time you got laid?
Why do I get the feeling that most of you don't want to know this? lol!

27: When's the last time you shook hands with the unemployed?
Yesterday. I shook my dead beat brother's hand.

28: What colour are your room walls?
White, but I'm planning on painting it a more... melancholy color.

29: Are you hungry?

30: What's for dinner?
Chinese food.
Originally posted by veil the sky

Hell yes! We are a very rare breed in the UK. If ever you saw UK league hockey, you'd know why. At least Lord Byron flys the flag for us in the nhl (can't think of any others.) I'm going to Fernie in BC Canada for a fortnight over Christmas, but I hope to take in a Calgary Flames game at some point (what a season). I think Valeri Bure is quality, but Iginla has been turning on the style all season (I used to like Gnat Domenicelli, damn!). I have to say the Trevor Linden is one decent player indeed though!

I also take interest in the Flyers, but I was distraught to see Eric Lindros limp out season beore last. Oh well, there's always Big John L.C. I'll stop now because I talk about sport way too much on this forum!

FUCKING Iginla! The fact that I DON'T have him in my hockey pool makes me very bitter. I'm glad to see Calgary doing so well, tho (despite their age-old rivalry with Vancouver), since it's so hard for Canadian teams to compete in American dollars with the American teams. One of my teams (the shitty one) has Roman Cechmanek, and since Boucher has played so many games I think if I can, I'm going to drop Cechmanek for Turek (making up a zillion points...).

The fact that I also DON'T have Valeri Bure makes me very happy - he's been injured all season long. I do have Pavel, tho, and he's doing jack all (I didn't want to pick him, but he'd led the league in goal scoring 3 years in a row...).

I dunno - I think for what they got for Lindros outta Glen Sather, it was a good move. Lindros looks good now (and I hope he does through the Olympics for Canada), but as soon as he takes another big shot to the head...

Yeah, Lord Byron rules the pipes!

Who do you know in Fernie? I'm assuming you're flying into Calgary... If it's Vancouver international, would you be in the lower mainland for a day or something before heading east?
Originally posted by Lina
I will be seeing them play the Capitals on Jan 19 here in DC.

I need you to do two things for me:

1) tell Jaromir Jagr to WAKE THE FUCK UP! I need him to start scoring! (the hockey pool is a key point of personal pride around my workplace, hehe)

2) If Canucks #24 Matt Cooke scores a goal, shout "COOKIE!"

And I'll probably be watching the game if televised... try to get on T.V.!