Ghost reveries Lyrics

Ok, the_3_toed_sloth has some fine thoughts about what the album can possibly be about... However. People understand stuffs different, they build up their own story of lyrics from their own experiences and perspectives of stuff... So you can make up a story from what the lyrics means to you, everything depends on what the base of the lyrics is too... I do agree with som stuff you (the_3_toed_sloth) said though.
Well in that interview on the roadrunner site a while back it was confirmed that it is about demonic possession, so at least that is correct. But yes, go ahead and post your thoughts if you disagree; it is always worth getting a different perspective.
and people please.. enough with the "well.. i still think that Isolation years is part of the concept" after numerous people have stated that Mikael himself said that it was not part of the concept he was writing! lol
the_3_toed_sloth said:
Not to be pedantic, but you mean 'are' part of the concept, as you are not talking in the singular :cool:

Mike has stated before that Isolation Years is not part of the concept...i don't see how you can really argue that it is, when it has been confirmed that it is not. As i said, you can if you like make Hours of Wealth fit in with the concept, but nothing is gained from doing so, as it contains zero plot elements. *shrugs*

Oh, and KjeXXXer, you can either go to and find the Ghost Reveries Song Meaning thread in the Opeth section, or i can pm you later what id said...hahha though revised, as it could really use it. Or i guess i could post here, if people don't mind reading a bit.

Mike confirmed it? Cool, thanks for the info.
that is the single greatest thing I have read in a million billion years:hotjump: :tickled:

3rd Toe sloth: thanks I'll download it and shit on monday when I get my mp3 back. cos I only have net at school. Incase you wondered. I strongly doubt that.
Ummm, wtf? What does this have to do with mp3s? What does this have to do with having the net at school? What was i meant to be worrying about? What do you strongly doubt? Hahaha im really confused right now...
I strongly doubt that you give a shit why I'll have to download it on monday in stead of right now.

I need a mp3 or a usbtag to download stuff and to bring it home to read it.


Damn we are waaaaaaaaaaaay off topic here.. I hear the baying of the Mods in the distance, I hear them deleting threads... na na na..:Spin: