Worst thread ever, heheh

661. I last ate five minutes ago and almost vomited. Don't ask.
662. I last drank water about the same five minutes ago.
663. I last drank alcohol a week ago. It sucked horse ass.
664. I last slept four hours ago.
665. I last watched tv about four months ago.
661. I last ate ten minutes ago.
662. I last drank ten minutes ago.
663. I last drank alcohol a week or two weeks ago.
664. I last slept ten hours ago. (I have a six months old son, you know...)
665. I last watched tv a couple of hours ago. (I sometimes stare at the tv at work when i'm waiting for a patient outside the X-ray room...)
651. Would you rather be shot or hanged? shot
652. How much time does it take for you to read a book? (let´s say about 200 pages) - I got taught to speed read at school, so probably about an hour if i'm in the mood.
653. When was the last time you visited a dentist? About 3 years ago.
654. Last time you peed in your pants? Does the bed count if you're not wearing pants?
655. Do you bite your nails? No
656. Do you like pigs? Yes. Especially bacon.
657. Wood or concrete? Concrete.
658. What is your favourite Christmas tune? "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday" by Wizzard
659. Simpsons or Futurama? - tough call, but Simpsons by a dwarf's pube.
660. What was your last nightmare like? - Same one I always get. A 747 crashes into a city (London?) and panic ensues.
661. I last ate 4 hours ago.
662. I last drank half an hour ago.
663. I last drank alcohol last night (ago.)
664. I last slept 8 hours ago.
665. I last watched tv .... ago. whats with all the TV questions! I haven't got one damn it!
666. Does this number mean something for you? Six six six, it makes us sick, we're sick sick sick of six six six.
667. Do you celebrate Halloween? I don't celebrate anything.
668. How do you feel when you see the first snow of the year? I don't feel anything.
669. What do you collect? Memories.
670. Do you like tofu? Haven't ever tasted it, as far as I know.
666. Does this number mean something for you? It's my age. What a coincidence!
667. Do you celebrate Halloween? No, that's necrofaggy. However, as a kid, long before Halloween came to Finland in any form I had read about it from a Ghostbusters magazine and me and my friends were running around forests with boxes in our bags and hairdryers in our hands, hunting ghosts. Thx.
668. How do you feel when you see the first snow of the year? One of the most beautiful things in the world.
669. What do you collect? Nothing much. Records with Mike Patton on them.
670. Do you like tofu? No. I'd love to like it but... eeww.
666. Does this number mean something for you? - Should it? Widespread use of it amongst younger troo evil heavy metal fans has made it a stupid joke.
667. Do you celebrate Halloween? - No but I celebrate Kekri.
668. How do you feel when you see the first snow of the year? - Both sad and happy at the same time.
669. What do you collect? - My Little Ponies and Hello Kitty:s.
670. Do you like tofu? - I don't think I've ever tasted it properly. Once I ate tofu ice-cream and it tasted like shit. :erk:
666. Does this number mean something for you? The number of the beast! METAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!! :rock:
667. Do you celebrate Halloween? No. It's for the americans.
668. How do you feel when you see the first snow of the year? The usual... Oho. Lunta.
669. What do you collect? Nothing.
670. Do you like tofu? Never tasted. So no. :grin:
666. Does this number mean something for you? its the number of the beast, silly.
667. Do you celebrate Halloween? not really
668. How do you feel when you see the first snow of the year? it doesn't snow often in england, but when it does its great
669. What do you collect? comic books
670. Do you like tofu? yes, yes i do
671. Perse?
672. Vittu?
673. Kyrpä?
674. Saatana?
675. Helvetti?
676. Perkele?
677. Paska?
678. Jumalauta?
679. Runkku?
680. Mulkku?

For Finns... you can do whatever you want with these words.
For others.. try to translate ;) ..or do whatever you want.
Lumi kuule.. Onx kaikki ihan ok? :ill:

674. Saatana? Parasta on huutaa SAATANA vitun lujaa!
671. Perse? Sometimes a very lovely sight.
672. Vittu? It's always nice to get some.
673. Kyrpä? Let's not talk about it...
674. Saatana? Hail Satan!!!
675. Helvetti? That's where i work.
676. Perkele? My boss.
677. Paska? The perfect relief...
678. Jumalauta? ...
679. Runkku? I am.
680. Mulkku? see 673...
671. Perse? Pohjanmaa Peittyy Perkeleen Perseen Alle
672. Vittu? Viinijärven Vittujen Varjokuolema eli Keuhkot Kajahtaa Kallion Kupeeseen
673. Kyrpä? Kyrpäsaatana Nekroteurastaa Kauniaisissa
674. Saatana? Saddam Tulee Saatana
675. Helvetti? Nekrotuulen Helvettiviesti lähtee Ouagadougousta.
676. Perkele? Metsämarjoja poimiessasi tulee Perkele ja soon loppu / Äkkikuolema!
677. Paska? Kakkahan se rules.
678. Jumalauta? Kukaan ei hengitä ei jumalauta kukaan
679. Runkku? Ämmät runkkaa.
680. Mulkku? Niin olenkin. Vittuako uliset?