Tall, short or average: Tall 6'3''
Fat, thin or average: average
Describe yourself politically (eg party, ideology etc): liberal
Balanced diet, vegan, vegetarian or meat obsessed: fairly balanced, but i could do better
Preferred gaming machine: PS3 (not much of a gamer)
DVD, bluray or digital: all 3 are fine
Favourite 5 video games: NHL, FIFA, Simpsons hit and run, Sonic Adventure, GTA
Favourite author: I mainly read biographies
Favourite accent to hear: English
Preferred Sport: NHL Hockey
Right-wing or left-wing: Left
Classical feminism or modern feminism: Classic
Conservative or progressive: Progressive
Libertarian or socialist: Socialist
Anarchist or communist: leaning towards communist
Left-handed or right-handed: right
Theist or atheist: atheist
Pro-religion or anti-religion: anti
Cat or dog: cat
Rural or urban: urban
Your ideal vehicle is:
Before work ritual is: poop
After work ritual is: poop
If you were a pornstar, your stage name would be: Steel Johnson
I filled a bunch of this out bits and pieces at a time and then left it too long and it all disappeared. I'm not doing it again.