So why not make a thread for all introductions? Here's mine.


Life is all dynamics...
So. This is me:

I was wondering why there could not be one thread for all introductions. Anyway, I'm introducing myself here. I saw some interesting topics here, but is there an active community on UM? I'll check in here from time to time for updates or interesting discussions.

So. Since this is a forum mostly about metal, I'll keep to my metal related interests. I'm drumming and I write for a Dutch webzine called Zware Metalen (meaning Heavy Metals). My favourite metal album all time is Strapping Young Lad's city for it's ultimate sound, intensity, honesty and staying relevant lyrically and thematically.

My favourite black metal bands are Nachtmystium, Deathspell Omega and Funeral Mist.
Favourite death metal bands are Hate, Origin, Behemoth, Morbid Angel and The Rotted. Beneath the Massacre is nice too.
I do NOT like math-core and metal, except for Meshuggah (and Fredrik Thordenthals Special Defects), which is my favourite band all-time after Strapping Young Lad. I like some modern metalcore, but would rather call it just modern metal, for it usually doesnt have a thing to do with hardcore. I love Bleeding Through (the band), All Shall Perish, Cataract (does have something to do with hardcore), and like the two albums before Chimaira's latest which is shit. Lamb of God and Bleed the Sky are nice too.
Another one of my favourite bands is Cult of Luna. I tried to make post metal one of my favourite genres but most of the bands in it just don't know how to keep the listeners attention. There are some, but not worth mentioning. Doom metal can be nice sometimes, but I only got into it since last year so my only favourites are Skepticism's Alloy and Arcana Coelestia's Mirage d'Ideal. AND you can always make me happy with The Vision Bleak.
Then, I like hardcore in the vein of Ceremony and Trash Talk (both RULE) and I absolutely love grindcore like Nasum's Shift, Gadget's Funeral March or my favourite Dutch grinders Inhume. Recently discovered Agoraphobic Nosebleed, which is awesome. So, thank you if you took the effort to read that. Check my (undersign) for more and so. Thank you and stuff.