Getting to know you :)

1. What time is it? 8:48

2. Name as it appears on your Birth Certificate. Dmitriy

3. Nicknames. Ragnarok , Grom Hellscream

4. Parent's Names: Sergey & Irina

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 22

6. Date you regularly blow them out? April 6th

7. Hair Colour: can't explain.

8. How much do you love your job on a scale of 5? 4

9. Favourite colour? Deep blue

10. Hometown: Kiev

11. Current residence: Hometown

12. Favourite food: potato, stake, meat a la francais

13. Been to Africa? No

14. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes

15. Been in a car accident? Accidently, no.

16. Croutons or Bacon Bits? Don't understand the question:)

17. Sprite or 7UP? Sprite

18. Favourite Movie? Pulp fiction, Blood sport

19. Favourite Holiday? The Independence day. Our. Every country is drunk! lol.

20. Favourite day of the week? Sunday

21. Favourite Restaurant? Don't use restaurants.

22. Favourite Flower? White rose.

23. Favourite Beverage? Don't have.

24. Favourite Sport To Watch? Football (european)

25. Preferred type of ice cream? any

26. How many times did you fail your driver's license test? None

27. Who was the last person you got an email from before this one?
My friend with some personal staff

28. Which single store would you choose to MAX out your credit cards? ??

29. What do you do most often when you are bored? Go to this forum.

30. Name of the person of your friends that lives the furthest away.
Olya and Oksana - Freiburg, Germany

31. Most annoying thing people ask you? "When will you do the next feature to the project!" (only one man says it, but it *is* annoying)

32. What is your bedtime? night.

33. Who will respond quickest to this test? I don't care

34. Who is the person that you sent this to that is least likely to respond? No comments

35. Favourite TV show? I don't watch tv-shows

36. Last person you went to dinner with? My girlfriend

37. Last movie you saw in a movie theater? Catch me if you can

38. Scariest movie you've seen thus far in your life? can't remember

39. Time when you finished this? 9:03
posted by Macy
HAA, got ya!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
OK then, it war!!! I'll get you back on a certain "obsession"! lol! I love this .....MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!

You just wait! hehehehe
1. What time is it? 149 am, Mountain

2. Name as it appears on your Birth Certificate. Joshua Daniel Voiles

3. Nicknames. Six, Josh, Geejo, Jo, Jedi

4. Parent's Names: FuckingWhore and Brian

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: Zero
6. Date you regularly blow them out? April 22nd

7. Hair Colour: Brown

8. How much do you love your job on a scale of 5? 5

9. Favourite colour? Black

10. Hometown: Utah, fucking Sandy Utah

11. Current residence: Utah, fucking Sandy Utah

12. Favourite food: Grape Juice?

13. Been to Africa? Yeah, asleep

14. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Course

15. Been in a car accident? Course

16. Croutons or Bacon Bits? Fuck that shit

17. Sprite or 7UP? Up yours

18. Favourite Movie? The Matrix

19. Favourite Holiday? Halloween

20. Favourite day of the week? Tuesday, usually

21. Favourite Restaurant? Raefael's
22. Favourite Flower? Black Rose (in other words, none)

23. Favourite Beverage? Water, Grape Juice

24. Favourite Sport To Watch? Snowboarding

25. Preferred type of ice cream? Vanilla

26. How many times did you fail your driver's license test? Zero

27. Who was the last person you got an email from before this one? Chelsie Nicole Hancey

28. Which single store would you choose to MAX out your credit cards? The End Records (best and only good thing about Utah)

29. What do you do most often when you are bored? Play instruments, write and read

30. Name of the person of your friends that lives the furthest away. Shikzur (Somewhere Far Beyond)

31. Most annoying thing people ask you? "Will you have sex with me?"

32. What is your bedtime? Never

33. Who will respond quickest to this test? Ramen, Jesus, Bog, Satan and his holy Angels, Amen.

34. Who is the person that you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Satan and Jesus H

35. Favourite TV show? Haha. Zim.

36. Last person you went to dinner with? Chelsie.. Johanna's Kitchen.

37. Last movie you saw in a movie theater? Matrix: Reloaded

38. Scariest movie you've seen thus far in your life? I've never seen a movie that scared me

39. Time when you finished this? 148 Am, Mountain
36. Last person you went to dinner with? I went to a chinese restaurant with my girlfriend when we got engaged last weekend.

SHE Saaaaaaaaaaaid.... YES! Congrats! :rock:
Congrats!!!!!!!!! Shuggah

Posted by Macy
Oh no, please spare me! But you just confirmed my theory. :)

I think I'm a nice enough guy to leave you alone, but you better not piss me off again !:)
D'ho! How could i be so *stooopwite* that I'll repond to something saying that I don't respond to things all the time! I'm a dickhead sometimes!
1. What time is it? 8.26 GMT +1.00
2. Name as it appears on your Birth Certificate. Andrea Pecnik
3. Nicknames. Dea, Jarvi, Spit, DeaToivo
4. Parent's Names: Drazen and Gordana (can you pronounce it? of course you can't! ;))
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 15 6. Date you regularly blow them out? March 9
7. Hair Colour: Red
8. How much do you love your job on a scale of 5? 1.5. Being a student sucks, at least in my school.
9. Favourite colour? Black, red
10. Hometown: Zagreb, Croatia
11. Current residence: Zagreb, Croatia
12. Favourite food: Pancakes with Nutella, chocolates opf al kinds.
13. Been to Africa? No.
14. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes.
15. Been in a car accident? No.
16. Croutons or Bacon Bits? None
17. Sprite or 7UP? None preferrably, but if there's nothing else to drink, I'll take Sprite.
18. Favourite Movie? The Crow, The 5th element, Stigmata, LoTR 1.
19. Favourite Holiday? My bday. A national holiday! ;) School holidays ;)
20. Favourite day of the week? Saturday (afternoon)
21. Favourite Restaurant? Medvedgrad, McDonald's :p
22. Favourite Flower? Genetically mutated blue roses.
23. Favourite Beverage? Red Bull, Pepsi Twist, lemon flavored water
4. Favourite Sport To Watch? None really.
25. Preferred type of ice cream? Don't like ice cream.
26. How many times did you fail your driver's license test? Didn't even take one yet.
27. Who was the last person you got an email from before this one? A friend of mine.
28. Which single store would you choose to MAX out your credit cards? Any CD and music store with god metal equipment.
29. What do you do most often when you are bored? Browse trough ;)
30. Name of the person of your friends that lives the furthest away. I think it's my Brasilian friends, but there are at least 10 of them!
31. Most annoying thing people ask you? "Hey, did you dye your hair again?"; "If you were a lesbian, would you start hitting on me?"
32. What is your bedtime? Aytime between 11 pm and 4 am.
33. Who will respond quickest to this test? What are the odds of me guessing?
34. Who is the person that you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Anyone who doesn't like SyX andnever goes to their forum?
35. Favourite TV show? Monty Python's Flying Circus, Black Adder.
36. Last person you went to dinner with? My friend Maja - junk food night!
37. Last movie you saw in a movie theater? Can't really rememeber.
38. Scariest movie you've seen thus far in your life? Can't get scared that easily.
39. Time when you finished this? 8.45
So many Europeans have seemed puzzled by croutons and bacon bits that I thought I'd explain them..

Croutons are little pieces of bread that are seasoned & then baked to be crunchy..

Bacon bits are little bits of bacon..sometimes they're really imitation bacon, which is actually soy that's flavored like bacon & is lower in fat than real bacon..

And both are commonly found on salads here in the US.
1. What time is it? 10:49
2. Name as it appears on your Birth Certificate. Henri Serton
3. Nicknames. Hawk, Hawk999, 'enri the 'eadbanger
4. Parent's Names: Henk en Nel
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 44
6. Date you regularly blow them out?
Oct 11th
7. Hair Colour: Not much hair left, Blond/Brown
8. How much do you love your job on a scale of 5? 4.8 teaching history RULES!!!
9. Favourite colour? Blue
10. Hometown: Eindhoven
11. Current residence: Oegstgeest
12. Favourite food: Ossobucco Milanese & Spagetti
13. Been to Africa? No.
14. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes.
15. Been in a car accident? Yes.
16. Croutons or Bacon Bits? Croutons
17. Sprite or 7UP? 7UP light
18. Favourite Movie? The Matrix, I have not seen "reloaded" yet :(.
19. Favourite Holiday? Summer holiday 7 weeks long!!
20. Favourite day of the week? Sunday
21. Favourite Restaurant? There's this restaurant in Toscany...
22. Favourite Flower? Multi colored tulip's
23. Favourite Beverage? I'll prefer 7UP Light
4. Favourite Sport To Watch? Karate
25. Preferred type of ice cream? Italian ice cream from a shop in Sienna. Best I ever had!!!
26. How many times did you fail your driver's license test? None
27. Who was the last person you got an email from before this one? My brother Rudi
28. Which single store would you choose to MAX out your credit cards? Metal Ages. Best and fastest online CD shop I know!
29. What do you do most often when you are bored? Fall asleep!!
30. Name of the person of your friends that lives the furthest away. Didi [younger brother in law] he lives in Harbin, China
31. Most annoying thing people ask you? What are you thinking? :(
32. What is your bedtime? Around 23:00
33. Who will respond quickest to this test? ??
34. Who is the person that you sent this to that is least likely to respond? ??
35. Favourite TV show? CSI [Crime Scene Investigation]!
36. Last person you went to dinner with? My wife Petri
37. Last movie you saw in a movie theater? Lord of The Rings part 1
38. Scariest movie you've seen thus far in your life? I really have no idea...
39. Time when you finished this? 11:01
1. What time is it?
7:31 PM

2. Name as it appears on your Birth Certificate.
Daniel Gonzales

3. Nicknames.
DEDMACHINE (sometimes just 'ded')

4. Parent's Names:
Homer and Graciela

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake:
Never celebrated my birthday.

6. Do you regularly blow them out?
Never blew out a birthday cake.

7. Hair Colour:
Black, the sort where novelists say "jet black", at least that's the visual I get. And it's COLOR not COLOUR, this isn't England!

8. How much do you love your job on a scale of 5?
I am currently unemployed, but my last job was working retail at K-Mart, I'd give that a 2.5. Didn't like going, didn't like my bosses, but my co-workers were fun, cute too :grin: ...

9. Favourite colour?
Black, and it's COLOR GODDAMMIT!

10. Hometown:
Selma, California, though technically I was born in Fresno. And in all honesty I say my hometown is Fresno most the time cuz nobody's ever heard of Selma, and Fresno is like my second home anyway, I visited the city about two or three times a week when I used to live there.

11. Current residence:
Daly City, California. It's right on the other side of the San Francisco's city limits. I can actually walk to the point where I can bust a Homer Simpson and hop on either side saying, "Daly City, San Francisco, Daly City, San Francisco, Daly City..." except no marine punches me in the face and tells me "we don't put up with that kinda crap sir!"

12. Favourite food:
Well I am Spanish, born and raised eating Mexican food. What can I say? I love it. Chinese and Italian are good too (though I'd pick Chinese over those two).

13. Been to Africa?

14. Loved someone so much it made you cry?
Unfortunately yes.

15. Been in a car accident?

16. Croutons or Bacon Bits?
Okay, I'm wondering what kinda person eats that on a normal basis... though anything with bacon is normally greasy and good, so I'd probably go with the bacon bits.

17. Sprite or 7UP?
Sprite, definitely.

18. Favourite Movie?
That's a tough one. For now I'll have to go with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

19. Favourite Holiday?
Christmas. I don't celebrate it, but I get like 3 or 4 weeks off from school, go back home, and get REALLY fucked up :grin:...

20. Favourite day of the week?
Saturday. FUN FUN FUN.

21. Favourite Restaurant?
Fast Food (or at least equivalent): In 'n Out Burger (exclusive to states in the West :grin: )
Expensive shit: There's this place on Pier 39 (Fisherman's Wharf, tourist attraction in downtown san francisco), that has the best clam chowder. And they give it to you in these big sour-dough breadbowls, their fucking GOOD. And the rest of the menu is good too. Anyway I forgot what it's called, but this Czech has been working there for over a year, I know that much. Oh and the soda sux there, but... that's why you sip out of your friend's fresh tap when he's not looking :grin:...

22. Favourite Flower?
Flowers? I'm a dude, and even if I was a dude who liked flowers, I still would barely know there names. I like video games and violence. Blood, gore, and sex. Botany is not my cup of tea.

23. Favourite Beverage?
Dr. Pepper
Orage Juice

24. Favourite Sport To Watch?

25. Preferred type of ice cream?
Butter Pecan ... yum... it makes me do this: :loco:

26. How many times did you fail your driver's license test?
Well I passed the permit test only missing 2 questions the first time, and one was because my uncle convinced me of the wrong answer before I took it. Haven't taken my license test yet though, I get around using bart and muni (public trans in bay area).

27. Who was the last person you got an email from before this one?
Well this isn't technically an email, but my white Viking-friend Curtis.

28. Which single store would you choose to MAX out your credit cards?
Don't have cards for that reason, but I have atm-capabilities. But when I get the chance, I spend shitloads at books-stores like Barnes and Noble and Borders. I really, really like books. I mean I LOVE THEM.

29. What do you do most often when you are bored?
Well living alone has it's advantages... :grin: firstly I get stoned :Smokin:, then I do the following:

LISTEN TO MUSIC (as u can imagine that's a biggie), write music with my guitar, write stories (or continue an ongoing story), write lyrics, write notes of random things, play my guitar, cook a fat ass meal, clean (this is a new addition to my habits, but I find it's very productive, and almost a xenlike experience with enough weed :p), read (and though this seems to be further down on the list, is quite the predominant passtime for me right now), surf the net, check my email, download music (another biggie), download porn (when I have my moments), which is normally followed by masturbation. How's that for getting to know me?! :grin:

30. Name of the person of your friends that lives the furthest away.
Ray, he lives in thy Yorkshire... er New York actually...

31. Most annoying thing people ask you?
How old are you?

32. What is your bedtime?
Tuesday and Wednesday: 2am
Thursday to Monday: 4am

33. Who will respond quickest to this test?
I'm new to this forum actually, don't know who's who yet. I'm a visitor from the Opeth forums... :grin:

34. Who is the person that you sent this to that is least likely to respond?
Stop asking me these quesitons!

35. Favourite TV show?
That would have to be... jeez man, I haven't watched TV for like... actually like a full year. But if I can remember correctly, I liked to watch 24 when it first came out, and Alias for like the first three weeks. I actually don't really like 'tv shows', I find them annoying. I actually justed watched the Discovery Channel, TLC, and The History Channel when I had cable. My real favorite show I guess was "The Color of War", a documentary on the history channel.

36. Last person you went to dinner with?
You mean with a chick? Well that's been an embarrassingly long time. As far as paying an extrodinary amount at an expensive restaurant, that would be my close friend Arthur and my brother Sergio when I was showing them around san francisco.

37. Last movie you saw in a movie theater?
Matrix: Reloaded. I actually saw it at the premier of Bruce Almighty, saw Jim Carey, Jennifer Anniston, and some other famous people when I was down in LA for E3 two weeks ago.

38. Scariest movie you've seen thus far in your life?
I was actually scared most by a game than I have ever been with a movie. So eventhough it's not a movie, I'm gonna say Silent Hill 2.

39. Time when you finished this?
8:03 PM

Lady of the Oracle said:
21. Favourite Restaurant?
Lady of the Oracle said:
Cattlemen's (kickass California steakhouse)
Heh, yea, got one at the edge of my hometown... Static-X actually played there once, and they annually throw a car & biker event right next to there, it's called Pioneer Village.
1. What time is it? 5:37 PM
2. Name as it appears on your Birth Certificate. Robert
3. Nicknames. None
4. Parent's Names: Francis and Desiree
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 14
6. Date you regularly blow them out? June 25
7. Hair Colour: black
8. How much do you love your job on a scale of 5? I have no job
9. Favourite colour? black and red
10. Hometown: Metro Manila
11. Current residence: Metro Manila
12. Favourite food: Depends on the mood
13. Been to Africa? never
14. Loved someone so much it made you cry? nope
15. Been in a car accident? nope
16. Croutons or Bacon Bits? bacon
17. Sprite or 7UP? none. I can't drink that
18. Favourite Movie? The Proffesionals
19. Favourite Holiday? Independence Day (no classes)
20. Favourite day of the week? the day after yesterday
21. Favourite Restaurant? can't remember
22. Favourite Flower? none
23. Favourite Beverage? water
24. Favourite Sport To Watch? wrestling
25. Preferred type of ice cream? sugar free
26. How many times did you fail your driver's license test? didn't have a driver's license test
27. Who was the last person you got an email from before this one? I'm a loner
28. Which single store would you choose to MAX out your credit cards? don't have a credit card
29. What do you do most often when you are bored? draw
30. Name of the person of your friends that lives the furthest away. Rheinhart
31. Most annoying thing people ask you? can't remember
32. What is your bedtime? during vacations mostly 12-1:00 AM
33. Who will respond quickest to this test? qwerty
34. Who is the person that you sent this to that is least likely to respond? qaz
35. Favourite TV show? TV is boing
36. Last person you went to dinner with? family
37. Last movie you saw in a movie theater? Bruce Almighty
38. Scariest movie you've seen thus far in your life? Ring 2
39. Time when you finished this? 5:55Pm