Grom Hellscream
1. What time is it? 8:48
2. Name as it appears on your Birth Certificate. Dmitriy
3. Nicknames. Ragnarok , Grom Hellscream
4. Parent's Names: Sergey & Irina
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 22
6. Date you regularly blow them out? April 6th
7. Hair Colour: can't explain.
8. How much do you love your job on a scale of 5? 4
9. Favourite colour? Deep blue
10. Hometown: Kiev
11. Current residence: Hometown
12. Favourite food: potato, stake, meat a la francais
13. Been to Africa? No
14. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes
15. Been in a car accident? Accidently, no.
16. Croutons or Bacon Bits? Don't understand the question
17. Sprite or 7UP? Sprite
18. Favourite Movie? Pulp fiction, Blood sport
19. Favourite Holiday? The Independence day. Our. Every country is drunk! lol.
20. Favourite day of the week? Sunday
21. Favourite Restaurant? Don't use restaurants.
22. Favourite Flower? White rose.
23. Favourite Beverage? Don't have.
24. Favourite Sport To Watch? Football (european)
25. Preferred type of ice cream? any
26. How many times did you fail your driver's license test? None
27. Who was the last person you got an email from before this one?
My friend with some personal staff
28. Which single store would you choose to MAX out your credit cards? ??
29. What do you do most often when you are bored? Go to this forum.
30. Name of the person of your friends that lives the furthest away.
Olya and Oksana - Freiburg, Germany
31. Most annoying thing people ask you? "When will you do the next feature to the project!" (only one man says it, but it *is* annoying)
32. What is your bedtime? night.
33. Who will respond quickest to this test? I don't care
34. Who is the person that you sent this to that is least likely to respond? No comments
35. Favourite TV show? I don't watch tv-shows
36. Last person you went to dinner with? My girlfriend
37. Last movie you saw in a movie theater? Catch me if you can
38. Scariest movie you've seen thus far in your life? can't remember
39. Time when you finished this? 9:03
2. Name as it appears on your Birth Certificate. Dmitriy
3. Nicknames. Ragnarok , Grom Hellscream
4. Parent's Names: Sergey & Irina
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 22
6. Date you regularly blow them out? April 6th
7. Hair Colour: can't explain.
8. How much do you love your job on a scale of 5? 4
9. Favourite colour? Deep blue
10. Hometown: Kiev
11. Current residence: Hometown
12. Favourite food: potato, stake, meat a la francais
13. Been to Africa? No
14. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes
15. Been in a car accident? Accidently, no.
16. Croutons or Bacon Bits? Don't understand the question

17. Sprite or 7UP? Sprite
18. Favourite Movie? Pulp fiction, Blood sport
19. Favourite Holiday? The Independence day. Our. Every country is drunk! lol.
20. Favourite day of the week? Sunday
21. Favourite Restaurant? Don't use restaurants.
22. Favourite Flower? White rose.
23. Favourite Beverage? Don't have.
24. Favourite Sport To Watch? Football (european)
25. Preferred type of ice cream? any
26. How many times did you fail your driver's license test? None
27. Who was the last person you got an email from before this one?
My friend with some personal staff
28. Which single store would you choose to MAX out your credit cards? ??
29. What do you do most often when you are bored? Go to this forum.
30. Name of the person of your friends that lives the furthest away.
Olya and Oksana - Freiburg, Germany
31. Most annoying thing people ask you? "When will you do the next feature to the project!" (only one man says it, but it *is* annoying)
32. What is your bedtime? night.
33. Who will respond quickest to this test? I don't care
34. Who is the person that you sent this to that is least likely to respond? No comments
35. Favourite TV show? I don't watch tv-shows
36. Last person you went to dinner with? My girlfriend
37. Last movie you saw in a movie theater? Catch me if you can
38. Scariest movie you've seen thus far in your life? can't remember
39. Time when you finished this? 9:03