Hmm, interesting topic !
I'm not sure i'll be able to find out 10 albums, but let's try...
Best of (1962-1966 & 1967-1972) : 2 records in my father's collection I used to hear since... well since I was 4, maybe

. Actually, I listened to everything I found in the house, even French shitty pop and other crap, but I listened to theses guys so often that I can say I owe them my love of Music.
Jean-Michel Jarre -
The Essential (1976-1986) : (He plays some kind of instrumental electronic Music) Well, I was young (about 10 maybe), I made some experiences... hm..

... I Gave it up quickly, thank me !
Crazy World &
NIRVANA - Nevermind : My first foot in Metal related music... I was about 12-13. I Listened veeery often to these ones, (then some others like AC/DC live & GUNS N' ROSES - Use Your Illusion II), but still listening to radio crap in the same time
A Real Live One : 1993 : Whoa ! By Far the most important step in my musical evolution : I saw the Fear Of The Dark clip and bought this (tape) album, and felt in love with this band. It totally changed my life, and since then, I didn't live without music (and metal especially) and didn't stop searching for new bands to listen to. The most significant evolution in my musical life.
Dusk... And her Embrace : 1998 : Gave me incredible feelings, and made me get into extreme music & black metal...
Still Life : 2001 : Made me deeply love this band I found boring (how stupid I was)...