Did you know?


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
Motley Crue's Dr. Feelgood album sold over 4 million copies between 1992 (when metal was for all intents and purposes dead in the USA) and 2000.

Meanwhile, the "much-heralded" and infinitely more "mainstream popular" Snoop Doggy Dog debut solo album barely sold that many.

Interesting, eh?

Post other "did you know?" quirks here. Why not...all the other threads are uber ghey.
Did you know that shortly before he blew his brains out Kurt Cobain wanted to quit Nirvana and join Hole?

I'll bet I'm the only one in this forum who gave two shits about Nirvana (and still do). :tickled:
Did you know that it takes exactly 1,429 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? I tried this out one day and logged every single tongue lashing said Tootsie Pop received. If anyone wishes to compare notes at a later date please let me know and I will transfer my handwritten notes over to an Excel (or Lotus if that works better for you) worksheet, complete with any subsequent data that may spring forth between now and then.

Um, I mean er-- interesting.
Pröfanity said:
Did you know that it takes exactly 1,429 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? I tried this out one day and logged every single tongue lashing said Tootsie Pop received. If anyone wishes to compare notes at a later date please let me know and I will transfer my handwritten notes over to an Excel (or Lotus if that works better for you) worksheet, complete with any subsequent data that may spring forth between now and then.

Um, I mean er-- interesting.
That was teh funnay.

Do you have an alarm that's tripped anytime someone mentions the word "profanity" in a thread or post?

markgugs said:
Only 5 posts before what I thought might actually be a decent thread has degenerated to nothing. :Smug:
Did you know that markgugs is a certified "Dull Cunt." :tickled: Well, now you do!

oh...Did you know that I have curly pubes!
Pröfanity said:
Did you know that it takes exactly 1,429 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? I tried this out one day and logged every single tongue lashing said Tootsie Pop received. If anyone wishes to compare notes at a later date please let me know and I will transfer my handwritten notes over to an Excel (or Lotus if that works better for you) worksheet, complete with any subsequent data that may spring forth between now and then.

Um, I mean er-- interesting.
Thanks for that information.
Hmm, I wonder if by curling mine it would actually combat the curls perfectly and create a straightened look...

*goes to buy curling iron and hopefully doesn't burn his sack*
Anyone seen Lee Evans?

"The usual mate?"

"Nah, I want a change. Give me a David Beckham!"

(need to see the actions ;))
and to steer things back on topic

Did you know....

That that the drummer of Entombed, Nicke Andersson, sang on Clandestine? (i don't know if this is common knowledge since in the original booklet there was no mention of that)