Could you guys imagine Opeth doing commercials?

Nuk3m said:
How about an add for air conditioning? and the martins are just freezing their south american nutss off in the back while mike and pete indorse it?

hahaha, lamentations...."they're bears or something"
Mikael is recording in the studio, he stops and looks up at the camera and goes, "recording can be one of the most stressful periods in a musicians life, but thanks to ky jelly, i can unwind with my producer Steven every night"

Steven walks into the shot from behind and gently puts his hands on mikaels shoulders, there is a loud "Squish" sound and Mike's eyes go wide.

Cut to a scene with just the Ky Jelly on a table and in the backround all your here is Steve yelling "You like that Telephone effect! Don't you Mike!"
Minion520 said:
Mikael is recording in the studio, he stops and looks up at the camera and goes, "recording can be one of the most stressful periods in a musicians life, but thanks to ky jelly, i can unwind with my producer Steven every night"

Steven walks into the shot from behind and gently puts his hands on mikaels shoulders, there is a loud "Squish" sound and Mike's eyes go wide.

Cut to a scene with just the Ky Jelly on a table and in the backround all your here is Steve yelling "You like that Telephone effect! Don't you Mike!"

hahaha, nice
i imagine a folgers commercial with the theme song in the background of them doing various happy things...peter pushing mikael on a swing, the martins bobsledding, them all playing double dutch, all the while they have huge grins on their faces...and at the end of the commercial peter mikael and mendez are all sleeping, snuggling in the same bed with childrens pajamas and teddy bears, and lopez opens the door with a big happy grin and a pot of folgers coffee and they all burst awake with big happy grins, and the commercial ends with mikael sniffing a cup of coffee with his eyes closed and a smile on his face, like all those commercials end.
Minion520 said:
Mikael is recording in the studio, he stops and looks up at the camera and goes, "recording can be one of the most stressful periods in a musicians life, but thanks to ky jelly, i can unwind with my producer Steven every night"

Steven walks into the shot from behind and gently puts his hands on mikaels shoulders, there is a loud "Squish" sound and Mike's eyes go wide.

Cut to a scene with just the Ky Jelly on a table and in the backround all your here is Steve yelling "You like that Telephone effect! Don't you Mike!"

Minion520 said:
Mikael is recording in the studio, he stops and looks up at the camera and goes, "recording can be one of the most stressful periods in a musicians life, but thanks to ky jelly, i can unwind with my producer Steven every night"

Steven walks into the shot from behind and gently puts his hands on mikaels shoulders, there is a loud "Squish" sound and Mike's eyes go wide.

Cut to a scene with just the Ky Jelly on a table and in the backround all your here is Steve yelling "You like that Telephone effect! Don't you Mike!"

That was awesome :lol: :lol:
i liked it much better when the commercials just focused on opeth being all innocent and happy. much much funnier. just imagine the thought of opeth bounding down the stairs in footy pajamas! TRY not to laugh!
I think Mike in a Mentos commercial has huge potential for hilarity.

I can't believe i'm replying to this thread. O_O
paul reed smith guitar: $2500
all-black wardrobe: $1200
year's supply of shampoo: $150
70s porno moustache: priceless

some things in life money can't buy. for everything else there's OpethCard.
cthulufhtagn said:
paul reed smith guitar: $2500
all-black wardrobe: $1200
year's supply of shampoo: $150
70s porno moustache: priceless

some things in life money can't buy. for everything else there's OpethCard.
oh man! i loved this! someone with some skills please make a shirt out of this - it's an instant classic.
Jinn said:
Opeth, bounding down the stairs on Christmas Morning, all in airplane pjs and bunny slippers. \m/

you got it right...only no slippers, footy pajamas...and the pj's have to be pale blue/white/pale yellow. and yes, designs are good...airplanes, cute animals, whatev.
Lol, awesome.
\m/ :kickass:


Jinn said:
Peter: H'lo?
Mendez: WAZZUP???
Mendez: What'cha doin' bro?
Peter: Havin a Bud, watching the game. you?
Mendez: (briiiing) Hold on man...Hello? Mendez.
Mendez: WAZZAAAAAAP???? Hold on man... Yo Peter, Pick up the phone!
Peter: Hello?
Lopez: hold on man...This is Martin.
Mike: GRAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!
Mendez: So whats up with you?
Peter: watching the game, havin' a Bud.

Yea. I suck.