Oh I'm sorry trapped are you angry sorry to offend you, but its just the truth.
The way you react here to peoples opinions are fucking stupid. I understand that we all can't agree on everthing but whats the point in starting comotion with members on this board , what are you shooting at here? Just stop being immature and try to accept the way individuals on this board percieve the band or just music in general. like always. You feel that your way is how everthing should be and your wrong. You get offended by peoples sentiments towards the band and I think that is stupid.
Just keep your non-sense to your self and stop trying to be a cocksucker like you always are.
And like I said before. if you have so much resentment towards the band then why the fuck are you here. your just making a fool out of yourself by being a regular poster in a bands forum that you tend to flame all the time.