Getting to know your albums...

I usually listen to it once, i generally listen to about a minute of every song and decide to buy it. Other times though, I'll randomely pick out cd's that look like metal or rock bands depending on name of the band,the cover, and the names of some of the songs. then I listen to it and see how they impressify me with their skills, that's how I discovered Crowbar, Iced earth, and a lot of other cool bands I love to this day.
To me geting them seems to be more of a problem than getting into them.
This is because almost all underground music in SA is imported and therefore very expensive and hard to find.
What I do is check what albums you guys reccomend like the ones in your top 2006 lists or "favourite" threads and then order them through Amazon.
I remember when Tedvanfrehly used to post a lot he gave me whole lot of good reccomendations, so did Bryant and Jonny D when they spoke about bands and albums they like.
I also have friends that rocks up at my house with albums they like and whole lot of beer, that helps geting into the albums alot.
What I normally do when I get new music is I keep one CD in the car for a week, after that I defenatly know wheather I like it or not cause I travel a lot.
Other times it just takes one song to get me hooked like Outworld's "War Cry"
I first heard it at Hawk's place, it blew me away.
I listen to music all the time, when going to work, when working and so on. I usually listen to an album at least 10-15 times before I decide whether I should buy it or not.
I have this HUGE list with like 500 records I've listened to and liked so much they're worth buying.
I listen to an album many times before I decide if I like or dislike something. Sometimes I am just not in the right mood to listen to a certain type of music. If I have a lot of energy and am bouncing of the walls, I am probably not going to enjoy a Doom or slow paced album no matter how good it is. Same applies for the other way around too. If I am sleepy and relaxed I am not going to want to listen to a balls to the wall thrash or Death metal album.

The more I listen to an album the more I develop a good feeling for it. Very rarely do I listen to an album once and dismiss it, even if I did not enjoy it. Many times I have very much disliked an album only to fall in love with it after repeated listens. And sometimes albums I fall in love with instantly prove to have little staying power. I really think it is impossible, for me anyway, to determine whether or not I truly enjoy an album without many listens.

When it comes to actually buying an album, I think it spoils a lot of the fun and the magic if you completely pre-listen to an album before hand. I know alot of people hate making blind buy, but I find it very exiting. Normally i will sample a track or twp, and if I like the sound or the direction of the band I will pick up an album. Buying an album and having it surprise me with how great it is, to me is far more satisfying than buying an album I know is good.
When it comes to actually buying an album, I think it spoils a lot of the fun and the magic if you completely pre-listen to an album before hand. I know alot of people hate making blind buy, but I find it very exiting. Normally i will sample a track or twp, and if I like the sound or the direction of the band I will pick up an album. Buying an album and having it surprise me with how great it is, to me is far more satisfying than buying an album I know is good.
Hell yeah!