Speakers or headphones?

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
I though this might be an interesting topic. I'd like people's opinions on whether you best enjoy your music thundering through your speakers or blasting directly into your ears via headphones. What kind of speakers do you use? What kind of headphones or players?

Personally, I don't care for headphones. Sometimes I am forced to use them, but I usually plug in something on the mellow side when headphones are necessary. They just don't cut it when it comes to heavy metal. To me, metal, and rock and roll in general, should be FELT as well as heard. That means I want to feel the bass pounding and the floor shaking! That is pure heavenly bliss to me. My stereo is actually my computer, it saves on $$$ and space. I have Logitech 5.1 surround sound hooked up and my subwoofer gets a workout.

Unfortunately, my passion for thundering bass has it's downfalls. It is very difficult to find a situation where you can blast your stereo without offending the neighbors. I have been researching how to soundproof my listening room so I can enjoy my music whenever I WANT TO LISTEN TO IT. Unfortunately, where I currently live, I am forced to shut things down by 10:00 p.m. This sucks for me because the later it gets, the more buzzed I get (I love my beer!) and the more buzzed I get the louder the music goes. Sometimes I jump in my truck and just drive around. In fact, I'd just take this approach rather than spend a bunch of money on soundproofing, but there is the DUI factor to think about. I get pretty buzzed toward the end of a jam session, and while I am perfectly safe to drive...I am WAY over the limits they set for driving under the influence.

Sometimes I wish I was just a headphone kinda guy...
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SPEAKERS all the way. I agree, metal should be FELT...but I like headphones too, if I didn't have headphones I don't think they would let me listen to my music in school! But I prefer stereo over headphones anyday.....that's why I love driving my sister's car, it has the nicest system....it's insane.
I like both! I like headphones if I want to go to sleep with music. I also play a lot of mp3s on my computer so I would rather use my headphones than my little computer speakers. So yeah, I guess I use my headphones more than big speakers. And I don't listen to music when I drive :)
How do you pull that off Delize? When I plug headphones into my computer it all comes out tinny and lame (no bass whatsoever). I guess because there is no amp to power them. Do you run special hardware to get your headphones to sound good?

And how can you not listen to music when you drive??? Man, my truck stereo is the only thing that makes driving bearable for me!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
How do you pull that off Delize? When I plug headphones into my computer it all comes out tinny and lame (no bass whatsoever). I guess because there is no amp to power them. Do you run special hardware to get your headphones to sound good?

And how can you not listen to music when you drive??? Man, my truck stereo is the only thing that makes driving bearable for me!

You would have to ask my brother...he built my computer for me.

As for driving without music. First of all I have 1989 Camero without a cd player. My brother punched the radio with his fist and broke it. :lol: So there ya go! That's why I don't drive with music! :)

Make that a Cam-A-ro :)
delize said:
As for driving without music. First of all I have 1989 Camero without a cd player. My brother punched the radio with his fist and broke it. :lol: So there ya go! That's why I don't drive with music! :)
Well, I reckon I can't argue with that logic!

kittybeast said:
let's just say I've replaced my bass speaker in my car...Hallowed will shatter your speakers, but it's so damn worth it!!!!!:rock:
Which "Hallowed" is that kitty?
I definitely prefer speakers, although I end up listening to my headphones more because my parents dont like loud music. Headphones are good for most things, But if I want to listen to something with thump, they're no good
Speakers in my soundsystem, speakers in my computer, speakers in my car. The only time I go for headphones is when I'm using my walkman.

NP: Protector - 'Golem'
up until the (roughly) $500 or so range, headphones provide much more bang for the buck. I usually use my shure e4's or koss ksc35's :)
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Which "Hallowed" is that kitty?

The MAIDEN kind:rock:

I love my truck system, the house system is surround/Bose I've yet to go over 25 it fills the house well.

My computer speakers suuuuuuuu-uuuuuuu-uuuuuuu-uuuck! So I never ever listen to music on the computer. When I'm in the loft where it is I either turn on the tv to the metal, classic or some station.

I only use headphones when I hike/walk/rollerblade and usually don't listen too loud as a safety precaution.:cool:
steel102 said:
up until the (roughly) $500 or so range, headphones provide much more bang for the buck. I usually use my shure e4's or koss ksc35's :)
Are those headphone models? I'm not up on that scene, but I would welcome your recommendations with some details please. I'm not immediately in the market for headphones, but it may come to that in my current living situation. What are the best headphones that deliver great bass and clarity? I was recently looking at some high-dollar BOSE headphones. Problem is, I can't TRY THEM OUT before buying.

NP: Mob Rules - Among The Gods
kittybeast said:
The MAIDEN kind:rock:

I love my truck system, the house system is surround/Bose I've yet to go over 25 it fills the house well.

My computer speakers suuuuuuuu-uuuuuuu-uuuuuuu-uuuck! So I never ever listen to music on the computer. When I'm in the loft where it is I either turn on the tv to the metal, classic or some station.

I only use headphones when I hike/walk/rollerblade and usually don't listen too loud as a safety precaution.:cool:

Of course, the Maiden kind of Hallowed! The best kind :grin: Ya know, kitty, you can buy a 3.1 sound system for your computer for around $30. Then you could toss those shitty little speakers away!
steel102 said:
I was hoping this would also double as an equimpment recommendation thread. It's working! My budget would be in the $150-$200 range if they're worth it. Quality sound and production are VITAL for me. Can't tell you how many times I've spent $50-$75 on a set of headphones, only to be disappointed. Then they just become dust collectors.
I ofcourse Prefere my giant ass Stereo system that Rattles all the windows and you can hear it down the street but I use my head phones often everywhere I walk since its not really practical to carry around a giant ass stereo system on the way to work and what not :) ... the ones I have now are shit but I cant see myself sinking bib money into headphones .... tho ... maybe I should ...
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Of course, the Maiden kind of Hallowed! The best kind :grin: Ya know, kitty, you can buy a 3.1 sound system for your computer for around $30. Then you could toss those shitty little speakers away!

well the shitty little speakers are inside the monitor, but $30 bucks buys me at least 5 used CD's at Ameoba!!!! :tickled:
Speakers. I've got a decent set of powered speakers at work to plug the MP3 player into. Ain't the greatest but they get the point across. At home I've got an old set of Cerwin Vegas with 15" woofers. They can pump out some bass. I honestly don't get to crank those too terribly often anymore but it's all located in the basement so it's already soundproofed from the neighbors.

Headphones on the MP3 when I'm mowing the lawn, etc. I'm not terribly concerned about headphones because the external noise of the mower makes it a moot point.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I was hoping this would also double as an equimpment recommendation thread. It's working! My budget would be in the $150-$200 range if they're worth it. Quality sound and production are VITAL for me. Can't tell you how many times I've spent $50-$75 on a set of headphones, only to be disappointed. Then they just become dust collectors.

Grado SR-225 are right around the $200 mark, and are considered one of the best headphones for rock/metal. Beware, though, that they are very open phones, meaning they won't block outside sounds, and everyone around you will be able to hear what you are listening to. If this is not an issue, these are probably your best bet.

For something closed, the Audio-Technica A900 are also around $200, and are imported from japan. you can buy em at www.audiocubes.com, or www.musiciansfriend.com. musiciansfriend might pricematch audiocubes' price. A900's are closed cans, and pretty well balanced throughout the spectrum. most place it as halfway between the grado (aggressive) and sennheiser (laid back) sound.

Another model you *may* want to consider is the Beyerdynamic DT770. These are bass monsters, but require amping to sound good.

If you want more headphone info, check out www.head-fi.org