headphones or stereo

you post too much! :p

i prefer headphones 'cause i'm outside almost all day but i'm also really paranoid about being a walking noise, specially 'cause people always look back when i'm walking after them :lol:
i don't use my discman too loud because of that, plus it makes me speak lower than i already do.

i thought i was tr00 but nobody is afraid of me, hehe... actually nobody asks what i'm listening too 'cause nobody talks to me :p
i don't think i'm a noticeable "metalhead" 'cause there's 4 more metal kids in my class and my teacher always makes jokes about them but me hehe.. maybe it's due to the fact that people mistake me for a goth ( :mad: ) and here that's a fashion so they just think i'm hip :lol:

i think i lost my point....
Originally posted by astarte
i prefer headphones 'cause i'm outside almost all day but i'm also really paranoid about being a walking noise, specially 'cause people always look back when i'm walking after them :lol:
i don't use my discman too loud because of that, plus it makes me speak lower than i already do.

Hehe, that's just cause you're so goodlooking!!! >:o)))

Seriously though, I'm a girl and I think you're cute,
at least when photographed :o) And; "walking noise"
sounds really cool >:o) Hehe....
Hehe. I forgot the one where you did that kickass bass playing!
Actually I don't know. I use the headphones (or more often earplugs) a lot 'cause I carry my discman with everywhere I go, I can't be without music. Tho sometimes it's annoying when someone takes my phones off and asks what am I listening to, and I'm tired of all the empty and idiotic looks what I get. When I'm at home I prefer stereo, I have some extra things on my CD-player which makes the music sound better.

Hmm...so I say both :)
Poor Zeanra, it happens to me all the time, take today for example...

I am listening to my favoritest CD, Divina Enema- At the Conclave, as you all know :grin:
When my most annoying acquiantice who is a jock that never shuts up about playstation games i've never played nor want to play comes up to me. I knew what I was in for. He looks at me for like 10 seconds, and I'm like... ok gotta take headphones off, so I take them off and say
"um, what's up?"
"Hey mike, what you got in there?"
*Oyo gives stare like "don't ask"*
*Oyo realises this stare won't work*
"Umm... doesn't matter, you can't have ever heard of it"
"Come on."
"It's Divina Enema"
"Divina Enema"
*He gives me short blank stare, and says "O..."*
I reply
"See, this is why you don't ask"