headphones or stereo

Sep 1, 2001
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what do you guys like listening to music on the most? On headphones or just blasting out of your stereo. Although i like stereo i would have to prefer headphones. I love hearing everything that goes on in songs and headphones really bring that out. Next to headphones would have to be my car stereo :)
When I go to school, I use headphones, but when I'm at home, I blare it outta my computer and out of my stereo. So, overall, headphones, because I can hear things I don't hear on my stereo. And then when people talk around me, I can barely hear them. :D
As they say, headphones lets you listen more to details. But then again, my speaker system isn't a bad one, so it's a toaugh call. I guess the speakers, as I can put on higher volume without risking blowing my ears out that way :) Right now everyone in the house but me are sound asleep, though, and thus, I'm using headphones.
I only listen to music without headphones for a few minutes in the morning when I am getting ready to go. Headphones are by far better imo.
I enjoy headphones, especially when walking around at night. I would say I probably listen to my computer speakers or my stereo system the most. I probably enjoy my stereo system the best because I can turn it up as loud as I want without really hurting my ears. ;)
Sticking to headphones 24h/7d ... there's merely a choice if I want to prevent neighbors from getting some axe and asking me kindly for turning down the volume... you would not believe how friendly neighbors can be here...

Anyway, I'm used to the headphones, and somehow I know it can't be that good for my ears listening all the time at maximum volume (so said the doctor... ;) )
Sticking to headphones 24h/7d
Ok, I don't run around with headphones on my ears all day, but when listening to music, I do it like AA...I use headphones only.

good night/morning/whatever! :zzz:
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
Anyway, I'm used to the headphones, and somehow I know it can't be that good for my ears listening all the time at maximum volume (so said the doctor... ;) )
Hell yeah, turn them down!!!!!!!!! A good guide apparently is that you should be able to hear someone talk with them on. Yeah, that's soft, but it's better than the alternatives :( Going deaf is not the worst thing that can happen to your ears. Seriously, it may seem cool now, but it may really suck in 5 years. And there are no cures.
Well, I find it hard to turn the volume down, when there's a good part I like I have to turn it up, and then, my ears very quickly get used to the loudness...

Anyway, I hope I won't go deaf.. have a tinnitus tho, and considering the doc's judgement at the conscription centre about a year ago, I have approximately 80% hearing left on some frequencies...

So far, none of the effects disturbed me, I must say...
It gets worse over time, it's what I was refferring to when I said going deaf was not the worst thing that could happen. I'd take hearing loss over the ringing any day. I've lived with it for over 8 years, and I do notice it getting louder from time to time. It's not too bad, I'm not gonna kill myself over it or anything (apparently it's one of the leading reasons in the UK for teenagers to do it), and my hearing is still really sensitive and clear. But I think that's because, once I identified it, I did something about it, I stopped using headphones totally, I don't go to loud gigs (not that there are alot here anyway), I have the equalisers on my stereo set to choke out the high-end (as that's what goes first), I avoid or limit my exposure to loud situations etc.. I'd rather miss out on a few experiances and keep my hearing reasonably intact, than reach 30 and be like "oh, I remember that song I really used to love. Shame I can't hear anything now"..... Seriously, take it easy. I have no idea how old you are (I'm 24 btw), but your ideas may change ina few years, and you may be selling yourself short now (as I said, there's no cure, and all the regretting it in the world aint gonna help later on).
One other thing, my Father has had it since he was young (he used to be a cabinet maker, this was in the days before they knew about hearing protection). He's 64 now, but for atleast 10 years, he hasn't been able to hear birds singing.....

I'll leave you with that thought, because personally, that scares the crap out of me..........
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Hell yeah, turn them down!!!!!!!!! A good guide apparently is that you should be able to hear someone talk with them on.

AA, I hope you have a real good set of headphones. If you have to turn them on because of external sounds, a nice set can be found for US$100 or so and they block out external sounds well, have more bass, which means you'll hear less of the high frequencies (and it'll feel louder) that YDG was talking about.