

Jan 14, 2002
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Why do u think Jonas has never posted in this forum?
Is only Anders the spokesman of the band or what else?
There have been many questions addressed to Jonas and I’m sure that many fans would be happy to know what’s Jonas’ opinion on what it is written here.
Hey Jonas, have you ever read this board? You’re still my favourite, please don’t disappoint me, reply sometimes!
Hmm, I suppose he's got better things to do than sit in front of the computer all day. Or maybe he wants to preserve that mysterious aura that surrounds him :lol:

Also, it might have to do with the fact that once you start doing something, people expect you to do it again and again. Like Rammstein's dildo performance.

Or maybe he's just lazy and doesn't post anything anything because he knows that Anders is gonna do it anyway :lol:
mmm try to put yourself on his place... why would you go to a place where you know that almost everybody would loose their grip just for sayng: "HI! It's me Jonas". Most likely it would be really tiring to be always answering to people and stuff.

You are right, but the same thing could be said for Anders, who on the contrary has replied most of the times giving useful information. Of course I don't expect Jonas to answer every question, but for example it would have been nice if he had said something about the Tomb of Insomnia threads...
Since Jonas is registered as a member I was just wondering if he's interested in what his fans are talking about in this forum or not.
I really appreciate that Anders participates quite often, in a way the band depends on its fans too, since we buy their records and go to their concerts...
But anyway it's understandable that they cannot waste their time to satisfy all their fans requests.
Maybe answering questions on the forum Anders's job.Jonas responsibilities maybe answering questions in an interview or anything about te band.All of the band mambers need not to answer same questions.Anders is giving answers about the band and this answer would be exactly the same with other band members.And Jonas is "cool" :)