thoughts for


Ain't that a bitch.
Nov 13, 2001
hey there!

again time for some development...

I'm getting finnished with my but I need ideas that would keep the site fresh and intresting.

one thought is making a "fans" section...
I got this idea from global domination forums, where they "interviewed" some of the members... thought about doing the same thing, to all you real die-hard fans around here!

so, what would you like to know about each other?

Name, Age, Country,
how you got into Dan's music?
favourite band + favourite Swanö related band?

any thoughts?

it would turn out a bit like the fans section on the nightingale site, but with a little bit of information.

also, who would like to be featured?

let me know!
not a bad idea :D

nice work on the site, btw! have you ever though of grouping the photos by date/event, or adding a date to the "about" page? (especially as Dan points out right off the bat that he's constantly changing) ;)
What about a "Fan Art" and a "Fans Covers" sections... what more... maybe a "Tabs" section, I always looked for the "Nightingale - Scarred For Life" tab (If someone have this tab, please let me know)... that would be great! good look.
thanks for the great ideas!

you are very right! that actually sliped my mind completely!
Dates/events for the pictures are a bit difficult, because I received them as a big package from Dan, so I really don't have all the facts.

I could do that too, of course a slight problem with the covers... I don't have too much webspace to host any mp3's... tabs yes, if you guys start sending them to me :)
...and fan art, why not :)
just start sending me the tabs and I'll post them...
I don't play the guitar so, slim chance i'll get anything tabbed....

you can send to cenzu[at]

not very likely I'll add lyrics...
I might add a link to or somthing, but bottom line, it's too much work for me to add the lyrics.