Got A Question and plz Help out my Band

zakk_hate_me_666 said:
why even bother? i think that solo, and most of alexi's other solos after follow the reaper era suck...

Yeah, they do have a lot more Zakk Wylde influence in them... and his have never really impressed me. Haven't changed in years, too.
Ok, this is way off topic lol. does this look like a good guide? Its to long i dont want to read it all....
zakk_hate_me_666 said:
why even bother? i think that solo, and most of alexi's other solos after follow the reaper era suck...

well the punch me i bleed solo is good... and the angel dont kill and the needled and the hatecrew deathroll and the bodom beach terror and the sixpounder and the next in line solos are good too...
so thats
7/18 lol....

and for the easiest to start with: i say bed of razors, its way easier than in your face(except if you suck; if you fuck up in your face ppl will notice less that if you fuck up bed) the solo is easier too.
Deadnight Warrior87 said:
Yeah, most bands do use distortion and shit, but their vocies do go low naturally. That's what you have to learn to do. The distortion only enhances the natural effect, so don't depend on it. Just practice that, and it will take a while to learn how to do, so don't expect quick results.

Another tip. Dont practice your death growls in your car driving to work when its -2 degrees. Really fucks up your throat. Yeah, dont over-do it too, just slowly practice it.
Oh and Lol_PWN_Lol kid, I wouldn't suggest trying to do a cover from Children of Bodom. All of their songs, including AYDY, require a couple of years of practice. Well... If you want to do a cover without the solo, do pretty much anything off of AYDY. Bed of Razors would be alot harder then In Your Face, excluding solo. Just go take a few years of Guitar Lessons and before you know it, you might be able to pull something off.

BTW is your guitar a Squier?
My guitar is like... renegade or somthing, the basic cheap fender knock-off... black and white...

I've been taking guitar lessons for about a year now, and I wasn't planning on doing the solo because I know that its way above my skill level...

How would you rate the In Your Face, or Bed Of Razors solo again'st the Stairway To Heaven solo? Just so i can kinda know how hard they are...
ermm. ..*mmhhhhfff mmmmhhhhffff*
Well *cough* don't compare solos that way, it doesn't make sense.
Bodom solos aren't hard, usually just fast. Practice slow, take your time and you'll eventually learn it. Don't rush, it'll only make you sound like shit(I've been playing for 3 years now, I've spent one year trying to play fast and 2 trying to correct the sloppiness and shitty sound I managed to addict into my fingers).