help my collection


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
Hi people. Wandering if i could get a bit of help. I've started a CD collection. 70 something so far( i know its not much but it will get bigger, thats what i want help with). I would like to know who's/which albums you think belong in a good metal collection. i'm after 80's metal at the moment as there is soo much that i dont know of from the 80's. I already know of the obvious ones (discographies of Met, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Testament, Death) is anything missing? I plan to have about 400+ when its done.
And i know that some of you will answer "get what you want" but i want to know what the most influential(ie:must have) albums were to all here (read:YOU)
Thanx a heap

Daniel \m/ :rock:
Judas Priest, Megadeth, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Dream Theater, Dio, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Death, and some good wholesome music like Venom. I take it you already know to get all the Iced Earth by your sig.
No _good_ CD Collection without Reign in Blood from Slayer and Master of Puppets from Metallica. Oh yeah, also try to get Maidens Number of the Beast and Powerslave. *_*

Erm.. other stuff... "Kings of Metal" from ManOwaR? And perhaps some Blind Guardian, too. *.*
machine head - burn my eyes
machine head - the more things change
machine head - through the ashes of empires
misery index - overthrow
misery index - retaliate
nevermore - all of them
arch enemy - all of them
emperor - all of them
in flames - all of them except reroute to remain
finntroll - all of them
borknagar - quintessence
borknagar - the archaic course
carcass - necroticism
carcass - heartwork
at the gates - slaughter of the soul

thatll keep you busy for a while
Don't just start buying random CDs. Buy CDs for the sake of listening to them.

Here's an analogy. There are some people who collect trading cards just for the sake of having them. Others buy them to play the game that they are meant for.

You are the person who buys them just because you want to have them.

Only buy something if you're going to listen to it.
HatTer said:
Don't just start buying random CDs. Buy CDs for the sake of listening to them.

Here's an analogy. There are some people who collect trading cards just for the sake of having them. Others buy them to play the game that they are meant for.

You are the person who buys them just because you want to have them.

Only buy something if you're going to listen to it.

hey, were you talking to me? cause I buy stuff and listen to it till iv'e enjoyed it to the limit, and I don't do your trading card shit, I dont have enough space to have unwanted junk around. Hey man, it's general drill to ask for advice on this site, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GET OUT!!!

thanks to everyone else.
if u want 80's metal u gotta get some Motley FUCKING Crue. sure its not black or death metal, but any great metal collection has some Motley Crue. if anyone says different, they are gay and lying...