Got A Question and plz Help out my Band

zakk_hate_me_666 said:
retard? i can spell AWESOME you illiterate fuck... and i think my name is a little better than LOL_PWN_IMGAY_LOLZORZ anyday, at least my name is Zakk, has a little bit of meaning to it, go back to Hot Topic you little queer
Maybe his dad accidentally named him LOL? That sucks, but it's a hell of a lot better than being named BBQ COPTER.
Well, which country is really bright, and is many hours ahead of the vast majority of other countries. There are a few, but take a guess.
lol you guys arn't being to nice eitherso w/e, and ausome is just the way i spell it always have allways will.

And wtf does my name hafta do with my question, only like 2 ppl so far have actualy tryed to help without being sarcastic...

sry for bein an ass or somthin just forget it
finally...someone getting riped like me! ok...learn sixpounder learn silent night bodom night and start to work on chokehold for latter referance. as for screaming, try making your voice higher or lower and ad a little rasspyness to it. i feel your pain, just take the shit they throw and put up with it till they tire of you then talk normal to you :lol:
The problem is i dunno how to make raspyness, lol i cant roll R's either my freind said its like that, but i think hes retarded...

Guitar Virtuoso, i agree lol ""just take the shit they throw and put up with it till they tire of you then talk normal to you"" they are kinda queer, do they have nothing better to do than be mean...
YES!!!!!! i made a post without someone going "hey! slipknot is gay and alexi isnt good enough for a sign for a gay ass called Guitar Virtuoso! your gay! i fucking hate homos!"...thats more or less it. as for raspyness, um...k got it. sing a little more in the back of your throat! thats how i do it. and yes, for people who call everyone gay and a fag most of them are rather queer....:lol: