Question for Paul


New Metal Member
May 9, 2003
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Hi Paul, I wanted to ask you if Novembers Doom ever recorded B-sides during any one of the album sessions that never made the final cut and have been unreleased since then. If so, what are they and why didn't you like them enough to get on the CDs? Will they ever get released? Just curious, that's all.

By the way, I love the band and I'm VERY sorry about your illness. A nice guy like yourself doesn't deserve something like that, but unfortunately that's how things go sometimes. I give you a ton of credit for continuing with the band and not giving up. I appreciate your dedication! Hopefully they'll find a cure for you sometime soon! Best of luck to ya. Take care!
Jerkface said:
Hi Paul, I wanted to ask you if Novembers Doom ever recorded B-sides during any one of the album sessions that never made the final cut and have been unreleased since then. If so, what are they and why didn't you like them enough to get on the CDs? Will they ever get released? Just curious, that's all.

By the way, I love the band and I'm VERY sorry about your illness. A nice guy like yourself doesn't deserve something like that, but unfortunately that's how things go sometimes. I give you a ton of credit for continuing with the band and not giving up. I appreciate your dedication! Hopefully they'll find a cure for you sometime soon! Best of luck to ya. Take care!

Usually any "extra" songs we have, get eliminated before we record. This time around, we do plan on recording extra songs for that reason. I guess the closest thing to a b-side of ours would be the song we did for the Ozzy tribute CD. We did our version of Revelation Mother Earth. And we did a version of the Kiss classic "She" live on a radio show. It was a one time deal, and it came out pretty good, but not good enough to put on CD. Maybe an EP will have it someday. I can post a link to it if people really want to hear it.

Thanks for the kind words about my condition. It's really not the end of the world for me. It won't kill me, and I get to enjoy pain killers, not to mention, the doctors and the state decided I am permanantly handicapped, so I get prime parking where ever I go, so it has it's perks. hahah!