Question for Paul


Remove The Limbs
Jul 4, 2007
Canada B.C
There was never a whole lot of information on the subject, but did you ever get approached by Bloodbath to be their vocalist? Or did you approach them at all when the auditions were up?

You are for sure one of the best vocalists in Death Metal so it sparked my curiosity

(I'm a new fan)
Speaking of your death metal voice, what's the growl/clean ratio like on the new record? Absolutely loved the heavy parts of the Novella Reservoir, the song string of Rain -> Novella Reservoir > Drown the Inland Mere had me listening to you guys like every other day.
Speaking of your death metal voice, what's the growl/clean ratio like on the new record? Absolutely loved the heavy parts of the Novella Reservoir, the song string of Rain -> Novella Reservoir > Drown the Inland Mere had me listening to you guys like every other day.

8 songs on the CD. 2 songs no cleans, 2 songs no growls, 4 songs a mixture of the two. I suppose it's most like Novella in the vocal department as far as heavy to clean ratio. I do believe it's some of the best vocals I've ever recorded, growls and clean.
I can't wait to get my hands on this thing. With every CD, Paul's vocals do get better and better...and if this one tops Novella, it'll blow people's minds!

The first half of Novella, IMO, is the greatest tracking order you've ever done. It hits you right from the start, and by the time Twilight's over, you wanna cry.

I've always thought you were the best vocalist when it came to incorporating cleans/growls in the same song, with Mikael Akerfeldt right behind you. I've seen Opeth live I've just gotta wait for you to come back