Question for Dan


New Metal Member
Jun 19, 2005
Alright, so I was just at the Bloodbath homepage, and read about how they are looking for a new vocalist.

My question is this, why don't you step up and do the vocals? Personally I think you have one of the best growls ever, and think you would be perfect for the job.
blabla this is all old, check the bloodbath forum. dan can't grunt anymore. it ruins his voice. at least that is what he says, but people said on wacken he was grunting anyway.
Much more interesting sentence in that is the rule "You must be able and willing to commit to touring" :dopey:
So maybe I finally can see them live (and it teaches me to read the bb-pages more often, as I had not checked there since, uhm, August.
Yeah, he still growls. He did Crimson II, A few guest growls on Jigsore Terror's 2004 album, and then Wacken. He doesn't like to growl because it slowly ruins his singing voice, and if he does it long enough he has to whisper for a few days afterwards (also not good for your voice).
Dan is also announced to do backing vocals for Enforsaken, an american death metal band. I guess it's gonna be growling.

And of course i would *LOVE* to hear Dan as a fulltime Bloodbath growler. Oh, the dreams...