Opeth inspired poems (part two)


Jun 1, 2001
For better or for worse,

I am continuing on with the idea. I wrote one yesterday for Orchid, so I figured I'd continue with the next album, Morningrise. I invite anyone who likes relaxing by poetry to write one based on anything relating to Opeth. (not neccesarily about Opeth)


Morningrise, morning flavors,
morning aches and pains,
the day just begins, begun,
advent of heart beating,
(or striving to beat)
I'm back in the world
whitewashed, sundripping histories,
Love you that much today,
tommorow is a recurrence
the day before that was a sequel,
so I thought I'd fly away this dawn
stream away, float away somewhere
but I get burned by friction,
if only I were a wave
in the night, in the silent water
bidding the shores farewell.
hehe nice collage of ideas there and not a black wizard, mythical land, or gateway to immortality to be seen :D