Opeth live at Hultfred 2003 video's up

It's on WinMX now for people without ftp programs (ie. me) I just found it, I'm qued 71 people though, but I can't wait to see it.
Got it first time no probs, using CuteFTP Pro :)
Thanks a lot, anything you need mp3 wise don't hesitate to ask, I probably have it, and am more than happy to upload it to your ftp.

Getting 40k/sec, pretty good for ftp.
Great to hear :) I'm starting to rip the inferno show as we speak. Kinda special for me as I was there too. First time I've ever gotten the chance to see Opeth live. Loved every second of it, it was like a dream come true!

Also, if there are any guitar fans out there, I'll be ripping an Guitarlesson by Opeth which can be found on stream at www.guitar.com.

Enjoy :wave:
Opeth live at Inferno 2003 is up. I'll try to leave the ftp as much online as possible. If not, check back on monday, should be online then.

Hope you like the rip :)
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,237
200 PORT Command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
426 Data connection closed, transfer aborted.
List Error

what does this mean?
anything i can do?
Would it be possible to change the FTP Port? My Firewall is blocking Port 113 and I have to reboot my router to change that, wich is something I can't to right now. :)
hey man, is there anyway i could send you a check for some money and u could send me a copy? i'm dyin to get a video of the damnation tour and i check ebay everyday to know avail. I live in the u.s. and would be eternally grateful...name the price.
Ben G.