Opeth London 4th Dec

Originally posted by chazzyf
Are Without Face supporting, 'cos I might go along to see them. I'm not planning to sit thru Opeth again though.

Yes, they're playing. It might be an idea to get there as soon as the doors open. You should know what the Mean Fiddler's like for support bands if you've been there a few times. The amount of bands I've missed while still queuing outside takes the piss.


I didn't want it to be the end between us, I wanted to stay friends with you, although you don't believe me. Thats fine,.
You started being sarcastic with me, how am I supposed to feel? I am still human I am not going to take it. I just answer with the same sarcasm you show me. At this moment I really think things between you and me wount get any better because you don't want them to, well, I shall give you some time....a lot of time to think, and be pissed off with me.

that would be all.
You giving me time????
Me pissed off???
That is wrong....you don't give time to me. If I were pissed off I would have told you. I didn't ment to be sarcastic but I am just human like you said.
I really don't know who you are anymore. I will have some time by my self and clear my head.

And I think this is all....
You know exectly who I am, I did something wrong, I don't think I regret the outcome, but the way I got there wasn't the best. I did a stupid thing, and I learnt from it. I now leave things in your hands...