Opeth/Maudlin thread again...

i have stopped caring about this internet bullshit. i tried reasoning with those people before but it didn't work and we just get antagonized instead so let them think what they want. i am sick of dealing with it.
it would probably help if a band member of MOTW didnt come onto the opeth forum telling them how poor their songwritting abilites were.

im only posting this because alot of people wouldnt remember the original reason for the flare up.
I don't think you remember either, though, cause that's not how it happened. IIRC, that was expressed in an interview, which was then quoted by someone on the opeth chat/OT forum. Might sound like splitting hairs, but there was not the direct antagonization that you imply.
Does it really matter that the band member then entered the discussion? I am sure he did enter it for clearing the matter up and not add fuel to the flame. In any case, what difference does it make if anybody likes Opeth or not? You like them? Fine. I don't like them much, my problem.
'Such great power wieldeth thou who doth utter the name of motw/KD!Hark, my sons, stayeth thee chaste and vigilant, lest ye uttrances be use'd not for pious good but for Evil, and to cause divisive unrest in men. These art more than Names; they can be the lavender kiss of young girls upon the brow of brotherhood, or the coffin-nails of the improvident e-tard!'
Thanks Paul, I was wondering where everyone was starting to pour from into that thread. Gee, I'm sure the people here would 'address' the problem very well, seeing as the only thing that can be achieved by inviting Maudlin fans into a generally anti-Maudlin conversation can only lead to the happiest of outcomes, right?

On Opeth's behalf, when the matter was first raised, I got pretty ticked off that he seemed to dismiss Opeth's style of composition in such a sarcastic manner, almost as if implying that Maudlin's music was in some way better :lol:, figure that yeah. I remember members of the band later entering the original thread then one of them making a great big sweeping generalisation and calling all Opeth fans, 'morons' or 'idiots', or somesuch derogatory term... one im sure alot of you see fitting to apply by yourselves, nonetheless quite childish and hardly helped to diffuse the situation initially.