Opeth remixes.


Nov 23, 2002
For over a year now, I've been listening to lots of bands too much. I got sick of them, to the point that it was unbearable to really focus on their music anymore. Well, okay, that's a little more "bloated" way of putting it (i.e., I didn't feel that strongly), but you get the idea.

As a cure for this musical boredom, I bought Sound Forge 5 (and now 6) and use them to piece together parts from two or more songs into one. They're more medleys or "splices" than remixes, but remix is a broad term that usually explains my work very well.

As you might've guessed, I've done this with a lot of metal bands. Nearly 5 gigs of my bigger hard drive are devoted to music, a large chunk of which are taken up by these remixes (because they're saved at 192 kbps or higher and usually last 10 min+ ). Naturally, I made/make lots of Opeth remixes too.

I haven't gotten nearly as much feedback on this material as I'd like. For a while, I only dealt with Tool remixes, but upon both the act of broadening my musical horizons and accomplishing possibly the be-all end-all of Tool remixes (the Lateralus Remix album), I now deal mostly with metal bands. My last project was completed today, which was a medley of most of Deliverance's clean parts.

I'd like some board members to offer an opinion on these remixes. It's not difficult to find them, really - SoulSeek is my main file distributor program, which you can get at www.slsk.org. I have to add you to my list if you want to browse my files, though. I also hang around on Direct Connect metal hubs, Kazaa, iMesh, and WinMX, though not nearly as much as SoulSeek.

Sorry for wasting so much space on such a selfish post.
On Kazaa, search for stuff like "opeth medley" "opeth remix" etc. All my filenames have the artist, title, my user name (Genocidal, duh), and either "remix," "edit," or "medley".

I'm Genocidal on SoulSeek. There's also a room called Opeth.
Blasphemy...this is why i hate digital audio stuff.A song can't just be taken apart, changed or ripped from its album...a song is a part of an album, a part of a bigger thing and is only in its element when you listen to the album.
Music isn't just notes for people to shamelessly warp and abduct.
How'd I know someone would come in and say that?

I could care less if it's seen by anyone else as "warping" an artist's creations. It's true, sure, but this is acting more as a platform than anything. Christmas, I get my guitar, and the days of remixing will probably be over.

I hope senseless bashing doesn't commence...
I think what you're doing is a great idea. There are so many songs from so many bands that have just really cool parts in the song, and I think "why don't they use that more?" and I thought that it would be cool to "splice" some parts together. For example, I always thought putting tracks 2 and 4 together from Lateralus (Tool) would be perfect, and then maybemaking a double recording of it and turn it into one complete song.

Cool idea!