Opeth review in NY Times - Nokia show

I really like the way they word their reviews. Makes you feel like it's something to ponder over at dinner while eating mom's famous caramel cakes.
Ugh.. I hate when newspaper's review metal bands, they just dont understand and they should just stop.
Largely accurate. The only thing that's really off, I think, is the expectation that Opeth ought to be engaged in some sort of "stage antics". They're not that kind of band. And that's okay. To equate theirs with the "performance" put on my HOF...I'll take Opeth's stillness over HOF swagger any day.
It is noteworthy that the boys keep getting articles in the New York Times. His criticisms (lack of improv, Mike's cockiness) may be ones we've all thought about, but dismissed as minor. The dull comment, though, I have to disagree with, but that's because I hang on every note.